Master Python’s advanced functions: Improve code flexibility and readability

Python’s advanced functions are powerful tools that can significantly increase the flexibility and readability of your code. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced developer, it is important to understand and master advanced functions because they can help you handle various programming tasks more easily. 1. Lambda function: small but powerful Lambda functions are […]

Vue adaptation to hand Taobao tool adaptation (flexible.js, rem adaptation. Detailed explanation)

1. Download dependencies npm install lib-flexible –save If you don’t want to download, just go to utils, create a new file flexible.js, and copy the code below (function(win, lib) { var doc = win.document var docEl = doc.documentElement var metaEl = doc.querySelector(‘meta[name=”viewport”]’) var flexibleEl = doc.querySelector(‘meta[name=”flexible”]’) vardpr = 0 var scale = 0 var tid […]

Everything in Python is an object: Explore the freedom and flexibility of programming

In the world of Python, we can see Python everywhere, whether it is enterprise applications, data analysis, artificial intelligence, web development, or automated scripts. Not only is it easy to learn, it’s also powerful. Today, let’s dive into an important feature of Python-everything is an object. Python is an object-oriented language, which means that in […]

Python Urllib: The powerful functions and flexible use of the network library (stdlib)

When we talk about network programming in Python, the built-in library Urllib is undoubtedly the one we should focus on. Urllib provides Python developers with a comprehensive and easy-to-use API for handling network requests and data transfer. With Urllib, we can send HTTP requests, perform URL encoding and decoding, handle cookies and sessions, etc. Below, […]

Flexible box flex in CSS (details)

I think when everyone was doing layout, before they came into contact with flex layout, everyone used floats for layout. But now that we have come into contact with flex layout, I can only say: “It’s really delicious.” Let me introduce you to the elastic box model! Flexible Box Flexible Box When we use the […]

Kubernetes Ingress: a flexible tool for cluster external network access

“Kubernetes Ingress: A powerful tool for external access to the cluster – creating a flexible cluster network” Prerequisite You already have a Kubernetes cluster and have access to it. You have installed the kubectl command line tool. Version selection Before installation, you need to select a version that is compatible with your Kubernetes. It cannot […]

[Neural Network] Python’s method of flexibly defining the structure of neural networks based on numpy

It mainly introduces Python’s method of flexibly defining the neural network structure based on numpy, and analyzes the principles of the neural network structure and Python in the form of examples. The specific implementation method involves related operating skills of using numpy extension to perform mathematical operations in Python. Friends in need can refer to […]