C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_abstract, is_signed, is_unsigned)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

2.3 CSS attribute style

1.Font attributes font-size: font size The minimum text supported by Chrome browser is 12px, the default text size is 16px, and 0px will disappear automatically. The default font size of different browsers may be inconsistent, so it is best to give a clear value rather than using the default size. Usually set the font-size attribute […]

C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_literal_type, is_polymorphic, is_empty)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_pod, is_trivially_copyable, is_standard_layout)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

C++ Standard Templates (STL) – Type Support (type attributes, is_volatile, is_trivial, is_const)

Type attributes A type attribute defines a compile-time template-based structure for querying or modifying the properties of a type. Attempting to specialize a template defined in the header results in undefined behavior, except that std::common_type can be specialized as described. Templates defined in the header file may be instantiated with incomplete types unless otherwise specified, […]

Clever use of attribute selectors to simplify puppeteer front-end automated test code development

For information on how to use Puppeteer to build automated testing projects, you can refer to the Getting Started Guide: Using Puppeteer for Front-end Automated Testing. This article is intended to share a simplifying technique when writing test code. Applicable scenarios It is suitable for B-side system pages with many form operations and relatively uniform […]

numpy Head and Tail, attributes and underlying data, accelerated operations, binary operations, descriptive statistics, function application

Basic usage This section introduces the basic usage of Pandas data structures. The following code creates the sample data object used in the previous section: In [1]: index = pd.date_range(‘1/1/2000’, periods=8) In [2]: s = pd.Series(np.random.randn(5), index=[‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’, ‘e ‘]) In [3]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(8, 3), index=index, …: columns=[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’]) …: n=10 […]

pthread_attr_getstacksize problem

Recently, the company encountered a thread stack size problem, and I took this opportunity to learn about the functions related to the thread stack size. If the company still uses older code, it uses the pthread library to support threads instead of the thread class in C++11. There are mainly two related functions: pthread_attr_setstacksize() and […]

filter attribute in CSS

1. Description The CSS filter property applies graphic effects such as blur or color shift to an element. Filters are commonly used to adjust the rendering of images, backgrounds, and borders. 2. Grammar /* <filter-function> value */ filter: blur(5px); filter: brightness(0.4); filter: contrast(200%); filter: drop-shadow(16px 16px 20px blue); filter: grayscale(50%); filter: hue-rotate(90deg); filter: invert(75%); filter: […]