Blending of Three.js materials

Blending of Three.js materials // blending modes export type Blending = | type of NoBlending | type of NormalBlending | type of AdditiveBlending | type of SubtractiveBlending | typeof MultiplyBlending | typeof CustomBlending; // custom blending destination factors export type BlendingDstFactor = | type of ZeroFactor |typeofOneFactor | typeof SrcColorFactor | typeof OneMinusSrcColorFactor | typeof […]

Unity – Normal mapping – Reoriented normal mapping – Reoriented normals, blended normals

Article directory Purpose core code PBR – Filament – Normal mapping Shader Effect BlendNormal_Hill12 BlendNormal_UDN BlendNormals_Unity_Native – the best effect so far lerp(n1, n2, t) in unity standard Project References Purpose Backup, retrieval Core code half3 blended_normal = normalize(half3(n1.xy + n2.xy, n1.z*n2.z)); PBR – Filament – Normal mapping Shader // jave.lin: Test normal redirection (mixed) […]

RevitCreate extrusion, blending, and lofting under families and projects

Family: Ps. The ConvertToInternalUnits method in the function converts millimeter units into recit internal units. This conversion can be done by yourself. The code is not posted here. public static Element GetHostInstance(Document doc, CurveArrArray curveArrs, XYZ faceNormal, double start, double end, bool IsSolid = true) { Element element = null; #if Revit2018 element = doc.FamilyCreate.NewExtrusion(IsSolid, […]

WebGL implements transparent objects (alpha blending)

Table of Contents alpha mix How to implement alpha blending 1. Turn on the mixing function: 2. Specify the mixing function Mixed function gl.blendFunc() function specification Constants that can be assigned to src_factor and dst_factor Calculation formula of mixed color additive mixing Translucent triangles (LookAtBlendedTriangles.js) Example effect Sample code Translucent three-dimensional objects (BlendedCube.js) Example effect […]

Python implements image filtering function and uses it to create blended images

Resource download address: Resource download address: Image filtering and blending images Experimental principle: The goal of this assignment is to write an image filtering function and use it to create blended images, using a simplified version of Oliva, Torralba, and Schyns’ SIGGRAPH 2006 paper. Hybrid images are static images that change in interpretation […]

Blending mode of css, text intelligent adaptation background, text intelligent adaptation background image, text hollow effect, difference mode, color filter mode, difference, screen, overlay, mix, blend, mode

Article directory Text intelligently adapts to the background (difference mode) Text intelligently adapts to the background image (difference mode) Text Hollow Effect (Screen Mode) Text and background overlay (overlay mode) Mix mode mix-blend-mode function table Mixed-mode taxonomy Text intelligently adapts to the background (difference mode) <div class=”main”> <span>Text intelligently adapts to the background</span> </div> .main […]

UnityVR–Component 7–Animation Event & BlendTree

Directory Application 1: Standing and moving with BlendTree Application 2: Character jump event & play jump animation Application 3: Fire animation event & amp; Create event listeners in animation clips In the previous article (Component 5–Animation animation), two animation clips have been made, HeroIdle and HeroJump, and simple animation transition control has been realized. This […]

Blender3.2 uses python script commands in three ways, as well as background rendering call source code examples and instructions

Environment system OS(Win10) Method 1, in the Console (console input python code) in the Script (script) function. As shown below: The corresponding three codes are: print(“Hi, blender.”) import bpy bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_cube_add(enter_editmode=False, align=’WORLD’, location=(0,0, 0), scale=(1, 1, 1)) Press the Enter key, the code is executed immediately, and if there is any print information, it will be […]

OpenGL clipping and blending

Window?, view?, clipping area Window?: Is it the display world? Viewport: It is a block rectangular area in the window to display graphics. It can be the same as the window, or can be called the window or the window. Only the graphics drawn in the viewing area can be displayed, if some part of […]