Centos8 compiles and installs nginx. When starting nginx, an error message appears. Job for nginx.service failed because the control process exited with error.

nginx compilation and installation Official source code package download address https://nginx.org/en/download.html Example: Compile and install #1. Install related packages [root@test1 ~]# yum -y install gcc pcre-devel openssl-devel zlib-devel #Source code installation requires preparing a standard compiler in advance [root@test1 ~]# useradd -s /sbin/nologin nginx [root@test1 ~]# cd /usr/local/src/ #2. Unzip the package [root@test1 src]# tar […]

centos7 configure network card sub-interface

Configure sub-interface Configuring subinterfaces in CentOS 7 can be used to implement virtualized networks or split a physical network interface into multiple logical interfaces to achieve different network segmentation or VLAN support. The following are the general steps for configuring subinterfaces in CentOS 7: Open a terminal: First, log in to the terminal of your […]

Change the network card name to the traditional naming rule of CentOS6 in CentOS/RHEL7 environment

picture Introduction to CentOS/RHEL7 network card naming rules picture The traditional naming method of Linux server network cards is from eth0, eth1, eth2…. However, this number often does not necessarily correspond to the physical order of the network card interfaces. In regular mode, the server equipment we use may only have One network card. If […]

Install MySQL on centos7

Introduction During installation and uninstallation, all users must switch to root When using MySQL, try to use root permissions for ease of use (if you don’t know how to enable root permissions, you can go to Baidu to find out how to enable it for your own server type) In this article I will use […]

Centos8 installs docker and configures Kali Linux graphical interface

Since there is currently no complete and easy-to-use tutorial on docker installation of kali + desktop connection on the Internet, I want to make one. Preparation Wow, the image provided by this server provider is really pure, so pure that there is nothing in it. Question 1: There is a problem with Centos8 source Error: […]

Centos8 installs docker and configures Kali Linux graphical interface

Since there is currently no complete and easy-to-use tutorial on docker installation of kali + desktop connection on the Internet, I want to make one. Preparation Wow, the image provided by this server provider is really pure, so pure that there is nothing in it. Question 1: There is a problem with Centos8 source Error: […]

[SpringCloud | Linux] CentOS7 deploys SpringCloud microservices

Table of Contents 1. Environmental preparation 1. Tool preparation 2. Virtual machine environment 3. Docker environment 2. Project preparation 1. Configure the Dockerfile of each module (microservice) 2. Configure the docker-compose.yml file 3. Maven packaging 4. File integration and transmission 3. Microservice deployment 1. Deploy to Docker 2. Access microservices 4. Summary of issues 1. […]

Centos builds a zookeeper high-availability cluster

zookeeper-ha Host name IP address spark01 spark02 spark03 1. Upgrade kernel and software yum -y update 2. Install commonly used software yum -y install gcc gcc-c + + autoconf automake cmake make \ zlib zlib-devel openssl openssl-devel pcre-devel \ rsync openssh-server vim man zip unzip net-tools tcpdump lrzsz tar wget 3. Turn […]