Linux – Producer-Consumer Model

Table of Contents 1. Why use the producer-consumer model? 2. Advantages of the producer-consumer model 3. Producer-consumer model based on BlockingQueue 1.BlockingQueue – blocking queue 2. Implement the code 4. POSIX semaphore 5. Production and consumption model based on circular queue 1. Why use the producer-consumer model The producer-consumer pattern solves the strong coupling problem […]

Running Llama2 70B on consumer GPU using ExLlamaV2

Source: DeepHub IMBA This article is about 2800 words, it is recommended to read for 5 minutes This article will show how to use ExLlamaV2 to quantize a model with mixed precision. The largest and best of the Llama 2 models has 70 billion parameters. The size of an fp16 parameter is 2 bytes. Loading […]

[Common c/c++] Producer-consumer model using mutex/cv/semaphore

Foreword: The producer-consumer model is a commonplace topic, and there are various implementation methods. The operating efficiency of different methods is also very different. It is difficult to balance factors such as code simplicity, data security, operational stability, and operational performance. Basic model -> Large-granularity lock + busy waiting (high efficiency, high CPU) Component: mutex […]

springboot+rabbitmq consumer side configuration

Chapter1 directly uploads the code @Slf4j @Component public class UserSettlementConsumer { @RabbitHandler @RabbitListener(queues = “${spring.rabbitmq.queue-name}”) public void testListener(String msg) {“Message dequeue:” + msg); } } It can be seen that RabbitMQ mainly uses the two annotations @RabbitHandler and @RabbitListener to achieve message queue consumption. @RabbitHandler’s javadoc annotation: Annotation that marks a method to be […]

Operating System – The most detailed explanation of the classic synchronization problem (Series 1 – Consumer Producer Problem)

Directory: 1. Producer and consumer issues (1) Single producer, consumer (2) Multiple producers and consumers (3) Practice questions Producer and consumer issues are often the focus of exams, so mastering this issue is critical. This article will focus on typical producer and consumer problems from simple to difficult, from easy to deep. Finally, we provide […]

The consumer submits the consumed offset

1. Overview After consuming the message, the consumer will submit the consumed offset to the built-in Topic of __consumer_offsets-; each consumer group maintains an offset for the current consumer group. So here comes the question: When does the consumer group update the offset to the partition in the broker? Kafka consumer configuration information Name Description […]

[3] Service discovery NACOS consumer call

Nacos service consumer registration and load balancing Service consumers ? In the last article, we successfully configured the registration of the Nacos service provider, so in this lesson we will configure the service consumer and verify that Nacos comes with load balancing. Detailed configuration New Module pom <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <project xmlns=”″ xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:schemaLocation=””> […]