Unified decoding of the request body through RequestBodyAdvice in Spring Boot

Original springdoc.cn SpringBoot Chinese Station 2023-10-25 15:58 Published in Chongqing Included in the collection #spring boot3 In some applications with relatively sensitive data or high security requirements, the data submitted by the client to the server needs to be encrypted, and the server needs to decrypt it before it can obtain the original request data. […]

Encoding and decoding using BASE64

Directory of series articles SpringBoot integrates RabbitMQ and implements message sending and receiving Parse JSON format parameters & modify the key of the object VUE integrates Echarts to achieve simple data visualization Using BigDecimal in Java to perform operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division on string values List<HashMap<String,String>>implement custom string sorting (key sorting, […]

Complete step-by-step video encoding and decoding using the FFmpeg open source library under windows

Final decoding effect: 1.UI design 2. Enter the default value in the control properties window 3. Copy the compiled FFmpeg library to the same directory as the project 4. Reference the FFmpeg library and header files in the project 5. Link the specified FFmpeg library 6. Use the FFmpeg library Reference header file extern “C” […]

Huffman tree, Huffman encoding/decoding

Huffman tree Basic introduction to Huffman trees Illustration of Huffman tree construction steps Create Huffman tree code implementation “”” Create Huffman tree “”” classEleNode: “”” Node class “”” def __init__(self, value: int): self.value = value self.left = None # Point to the left child node self.right = None # Point to the right child node […]

Thoroughly understand the encoding and decoding principles of base64

Background The encoding principle of base64 is explained more online, but the decoding principle is less explained, and the internal implementation principle is not analyzed. If you want to thoroughly understand the encoding and decoding principles of base64, please read this article patiently, and you will definitely gain something. Involving the concepts of algorithms and […]

FFmpeg video playback (audio and video decoding)

In the previous article, during FFmpeg decapsulation, the decoder context AVCodecContext was handed over to VideoChannel and AudioChannel in the prepare method in TinaFFmpeg. After that, the decoding work was handed over to them. In this section, we will see how they handle it. Decoding entry After prepare is completed, the onPrepare method of TinaPlayer […]

ArmSoM-RK3588 codec mpp decoding demo analysis: mpi_dec_test

1. Introduction [RK3588 From Beginner to Master] Column General Directory mpi_dec_test is the official decoding demo of rockchip This article analyzes the code and decoding process of mpi_dec_test 2. Environment introduction Hardware environment: ArmSoM-W3 RK3588 development board Software version: OS: ArmSoM-W3 Debian11 3. Analysis of mpp decoding process mpp_create: Get the MppCtx instance and MppApi […]

Why is it said that Decoder and Encoder are the core components of Netty? How does Netty use the template method pattern to efficiently complete decoding and encoding? A thorough analysis in 10,000 words

The job of the Netty inbound processor is the packet decoding and business processing of the IO processing operation. During the inbound processing, the bottom layer of Netty first reads the ByteBuf binary data, and finally needs to convert it into a java POJO object. This process requires a Decoder to complete. The job of […]