antv/g6 element edge, custom edge

Foreword The last article briefly introduced the use of g6, and today I will continue to talk about the element edges of g6. g6 has several built-in edges that can realize some basic graphs. If the built-in edges do not meet the needs, you can also customize the edges. Edge In AntV G6, Edge is […]

Current status of knowledge representation models – related to symbolic representation

The concept of the Semantic Web was proposed by Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, in 1996. The goal is to convert current information into machine-friendly language. The Semantic Web is not an independent network, but an extension of the current network. It empowers The clear meaning of information makes it […]

echarts force guide diagram_relationship diagram_knowledge diagram

Echarts commonly used various chart template configurations Note: This is mainly based on various charts and uses more various configuration items of Echarts; The following codes can be copied to the Echarts official website and previewed directly; Icon template directory Echarts commonly used various chart template configurations 1. Force guide chart 2. Donut chart 3. […]

(C language) Basic knowledge of file operations

Foreword Now that you have come into contact with programming languages, friction with files is inevitable. This blog will learn about file operations. 1. Opening and destroying files Opening a file is the most basic in the use of files. It is usually FILE* pf = fopen(“file name”, “file opening method”). There are many ways […]

Chatbot or FAQ based on knowledge base

Background Recently, I suddenly wanted to make a chatbot or FAQ project based on my own knowledge base (knowlegebase). In the future, if chatgpt or a model after gpt3.5 can be used in the company, gpt’s powerful language understanding and relevant business documents searched for user questions can also be used to answer users’ business […]

A brief introduction to Linux driver knowledge ② – Writing and testing the Raspberry Pi pin file pin4Driver.c based on the driver framework

The original was first published on CSDN, please indicate the source when reprinting, thank you! Article directory Why learn driver programming? User mode upper layer application test code pin4Test.c Write the pin driver file pin4Driver.c based on the driver framework Cross compile two files and transfer the files to the Raspberry Pi Load the […]

C# Onnx lightweight dense convolutional neural network LDC for edge detection

Table of Contents Effect Model information project code download Effect Model information Inputs ———————– name: input_image tensor: Float[1, 3, 360, 640] ————————————————– ————- Outputs ———————– name:onnx::Concat_241 tensor: Float[1, 1, 360, 640] name:onnx::Concat_244 tensor: Float[1, 1, 360, 640] name: onnx::Concat_250 tensor: Float[1, 1, 360, 640] name:onnx::Concat_259 tensor: Float[1, 1, 360, 640] name:282 tensor: Float[1, 1, 360, […]

A detailed study of Promise and related knowledge

Learn key phrases: Promise promise learning promise.all promise.race promise.resolve 1. Write in front Promise is something that cannot be avoided by the front end, so we must study it well. The purpose of writing this article is to deepen the learning and use of promise. 2. Start 2.1 Preparation First create a folder and create […]

YOLO lightweight improvement, edge GPU friendly YOLO improvement algorithm!

In this paper, the authors propose a new edge GPU-friendly module for multi-scale feature interaction based on the problem of missing combinatorial connections between various feature scales in existing advanced methods. In addition, the authors propose a new transfer learning backbone that is inspired by changes in the transformation information flow of different tasks, aiming […]