Solve the graphical problem of kali nethunter (final version)

Install kali nethunter Solve the problem that kali nethunter cannot be used normally It is recommended to read it all before proceeding. The following is the graphics surface software: nethunter kex Remember to set the kex password in termux (select: n after setting): nh kex passwd Start kex (put it in the background after startup): […]

Centos8 installs docker and configures Kali Linux graphical interface

Since there is currently no complete and easy-to-use tutorial on docker installation of kali + desktop connection on the Internet, I want to make one. Preparation Wow, the image provided by this server provider is really pure, so pure that there is nothing in it. Question 1: There is a problem with Centos8 source Error: […]

Python creates a graph using Networkx

1. Data preprocessing # Read CSV file import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt E13_users = pd.read_csv(‘users.csv’) # E13_users = E13_users[1:200] E13_followers = pd.read_csv(‘followers.csv’,header=1,names=[“follower”, “friend”]) E13_friends = pd.read_csv(‘friends.csv’,header=1,names=[“friend”,”follower”]) # Filter the edges in the network In_net_followers = E13_followers[E13_followers[“follower”].isin(E13_users[“id”])] In_net_friends = E13_friends[E13_friends[“friend”].isin(E13_users[“id”])] In_net_followers.to_csv(“follow_edge.csv”) In_net_friends.to_csv(“friend_edge.csv”) For pandas dataframe, you can use the .isin function to determine […]

Centos8 installs docker and configures Kali Linux graphical interface

Since there is currently no complete and easy-to-use tutorial on docker installation of kali + desktop connection on the Internet, I want to make one. Preparation Wow, the image provided by this server provider is really pure, so pure that there is nothing in it. Question 1: There is a problem with Centos8 source Error: […]

GPT practical series-ChatGLM3 local deployment CUDA11+1080Ti+ graphics card 24G practical solution

Table of Contents 1. ChatGLM3 model 2. Resource requirements 3. Deployment and installation Configuration Environment Installation process Low-cost configuration and deployment solution 4. Start ChatGLM3 5. Functional testing Freshly released, the domestic GPT version has been iteratively updated~ The Tsinghua team has just released ChatGLM3, and just before the Yunqi Conference, Baichuan also released Baichuan2-192K, […]

C language simply simulates Gaussian ants: random walk problem (graphical)

Table of Contents 1. Creative inspiration 2. Background and requirements (1) Background requirements (2) Topic requirements (3) This code 3. Main ideas and code (1) Random number generation (2) Processing of one-dimensional motion (3) Processing of two-dimensional motion (4) Output color (5) unistd.h code 4. Complete code 5. Display of running results (1) One-dimensional simulation […]

Lecture 8 | How to distinguish graphics and images?

Many people may not be able to distinguish between the two concepts of graphics and images: In one case, they may feel that distinguishing between the two concepts of graphics and images has no practical use, so they do not care about it; in another case, they may I have some vague understanding of the […]