[JUC] 1. synchronized keyword and Lock interface

Article directory 1. JUC 2. Processes and threads 3. Concurrency and parallelism 4. User thread and daemon thread 5. Object locks and class locks 6. Synchronized keyword 7. synchronized case 8. Lock interface 1.JUC JUC, the java.util.concurrent toolkit for processing threads, started with JDK1.5, and has three packages: Basic package Atomic package Lock bag 2. […]

Completely solve the problem of black screen or unchanged picture on Win11 lock screen interface

Problem description I don’t know what I did today. After a few operations, the picture on the lock screen interface of win11 became fixed. It used to have the effect of automatically changing the picture focused on windows, but now it is gone. Then I searched for help. After the second operation, the lock screen […]

Lab8: Locks | Lock optimization implementation

Lab: locks Memory allocator (moderate) Your job is to implement per-CPU freelists, and stealing when a CPU’s free list is empty. You must give all of your locks names that start with “kmem”. That is, you should call initlock for each of your locks, and pass a name that starts with “kmem”. Run kalloctest to […]

std::condition_variable condition variable and lock_guard, unique_lock

Used to block one thread, or block multiple threads at the same time, until another thread modifies the shared variable (condition) and notifies condition_variable. A thread that intentionally modifies a variable must Obtain std::mutex (often via std::lock_guard ) Modify while holding lock Perform notify_one or notify_all on std::condition_variable (no need to hold locks for notifications) […]

Thread-safe, simple lock creation demo code

Thread safety means that the program can still maintain correct behavior and data integrity when multiple threads access it concurrently. That is, multiple threads can access an object or method at the same time without damaging the consistency and correctness of the data. The implementation of thread safety needs to follow some rules, such as […]

Euler angles (roll angle, pitch angle, yaw angle), rotation matrix, quaternion conversion and solution to universal joint deadlock

1. Overview The description method of the pose (position and direction) of an object is generally represented by two coordinate systems. One is the world coordinate system or the ground coordinate system. Here I call it the ground coordinate system, which belongs to the reference coordinate system; the other is its own Coordinate system, it […]

[SCM Graduation Project] [cl-010] Alarm for people stranded in the car | Alarm for children stranded in the car | Children accidentally lock the car

1. Basic introduction Item name: Design of vehicle personnel stranded alarm system based on microcontroller Design of child stranded alarm system in car based on microcontroller Design of children’s accidental car locking system based on microcontroller Project name: Alarm for people staying in the car Project number: mcuclub-cl-019 Microcontroller type: STC89C52 Specific functions: 1. Use […]

Multi-threading case–>Blocking queue

1. What is a blocking queue 1. The blocking queue is a special queue that also adheres to the “first in, first out” principle. 2. The blocking queue can be a thread-safe data structure with the following characteristics: When the queue is full, if you continue to queue, it will be blocked until other threads […]