std::condition_variable condition variable and lock_guard, unique_lock

Used to block one thread, or block multiple threads at the same time, until another thread modifies the shared variable (condition) and notifies condition_variable. A thread that intentionally modifies a variable must Obtain std::mutex (often via std::lock_guard ) Modify while holding lock Perform notify_one or notify_all on std::condition_variable (no need to hold locks for notifications) […]

Openwrt installs the latest method of AdGuard Home and MosDNS v5.3.1

AdGuard Home installation method The first one: docker installation adguardhome SSH to router Pull Docker image This command will pull the latest stable version docker pull adguard/adguardhome Install the container manually Mosdns installation method: Open the website: Install prebuilt packages Log in to OpenWrt Terminal (SSH) Install curl package opkg update opkg […]

vue2 skill tree (12)-routing guard, dynamic routing, state management

Directory Detailed explanation of route guard Global front guard `beforeEach` Project examples Global resolution guard `beforeResolve` Global post guard `afterEach` Project examples Route exclusive guard Project examples Complete project example Detailed explanation of dynamic routing Create dynamic routing Project examples Using route parameters Project examples Monitor changes in routing parameters Project examples Complete project example […]

Command line androguard Tools usage guide

Androguard is a full-featured Python toolset for analyzing and reverse engineering Android files. It provides various commands and options for working with different types of Android files and tasks. It can be used from the command line. The usage rules are as follows: Usage: androguard [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]… Androguard is a full Python tool to […]

Vue2 project practice: Shangpinhui (5) personal center page, navigation guard, lazy loading, end

Table of Contents (1) Personal center page 1. Split the secondary routing: my order, group purchase order 2.My order (1) Request data dynamic display (2)Pager component (2) Navigation guard 1. Global routing guard 2. Exclusive routing guard 3. In-component routing guard (3) Lazy loading 1. Lazy loading of images 2. Lazy loading of routes (4) […]

Thirteen: Programmatic routing navigation push and replace, cache routing component keep-alive, new life cycle hooks activated and deactivated, routing guards, history and hash modes, component library

1. Programmatic routing navigation Function: Implement route jump without resorting to router-link, making route jump more flexible; mainly using the two APIs of $router, push, replace code> implements route jump, push is cached by default, replace is overridden cache The data in $router.push and $router.replace are the same as the data to jump to. methods: […]

vue-router uses (route jump, related api, page jump with data, multi-level routing, route guard, two working modes of the router), series (localStorage, sessionStorage), combined api and configuration item api

1 vue-router usage 1 vue-router use 1.1 Route jump 1.2 Related APIs 1.3 Page jump, carrying data 1.4 Multi-level routing 1.5 Route guard 1.6 Two working modes of the router 2 localStorage, sessionStorage, cookie 3 vue3 introduction 4 Combined API and configuration item API 1 vue-router use -In the future, it is the switching of […]

[Android Performance Optimization]: ProGuard, obfuscation, R8 optimization

Author: Xiaoyu Foreword The source code written in Java is compiled to generate the corresponding class file, but the class file is a very standard file. Many software on the market can decompile the class file. For the security of our app, we need to use Android The code obfuscates this functionality. For Java obfuscation, […]

Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel Traffic Guard

Article directory Spring Cloud Alibaba Sentinel Traffic Guard 1. Problems encountered in distributed 2.Solution method Sentinel: Traffic Guard for Distributed Systems 1. Introduction and special discounts Construction of Sentinel Traffic Guard 1.Introduce dependencies 2. Add configuration class 3. Add @SentinelResource to the running class and configure blockHandler and fallback 4. Put the Sentinel console program […]