Explore how Gateway API works in Service Mesh

A few days ago Gateway API announced support for service mesh in 0.8.0, which means GAMMA (Gateway API for Mesh < strong>Management andAdministration) has made new progress, although it is still in theexperimental stage. When Gateway API 0.5.0 was released last June, I also wrote an article What does the GAMMA initiative of SMI and […]

Istio Service Mesh explained in simple terms

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction 1. Background Introduction Microservice architecture has become a trend in the IT world. Container technology and orchestration platforms such as Kubernetes also make it very easy to deploy, operate and maintain microservice applications. However, with the continuous expansion of the scale of container clusters, the […]

How does Envoy achieve high availability and scalability? Why do we need Envoy as the data plane component of the service mesh?

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Today, with the booming development of cloud computing, microservice architecture and container technology, traditional monolithic applications are gradually being replaced by fine-grained microservices. Under the microservice architecture, services communicate through the network, and functions such as data processing, route distribution, and load balancing are unified […]

Open Service Mesh – Make communication between services transparent and observable

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Why do we need to do Open Service Mesh? With the popularity of microservice architecture, Service Mesh and cloud native applications, more and more companies are beginning to adopt this architecture model. In order to cope with complex architectural requirements, many companies are considering using […]

Unity vertices, uv, image maps, and mesh

Mesh is the triangles that make up a 3D object. The mesh is composed of triangles composed of vertices. The size of the triangles does not need to be the same and is determined by the position between the vertices. A mesh can be one or more faces. The origin of the texture is in […]


LumenScreenProbeTracing.usf [numthreads( 64 , 1, 1)] void ScreenProbeTraceMeshSDFsCS( uint3 GroupId : SV_GroupID, uint3 DispatchThreadId : SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 GroupThreadId : SV_GroupThreadID) { uint AllocatorIndex = 0 ? 1 : 0; if (DispatchThreadId.x < CompactedTraceTexelAllocator[AllocatorIndex]) { uint ScreenProbeIndex; uint2 TraceTexelCoord; float TraceHitDistance; ReadTraceTexel(DispatchThreadId.x, ScreenProbeIndex, TraceTexelCoord, TraceHitDistance); uint2 ScreenProbeAtlasCoord = uint2(ScreenProbeIndex % ScreenProbeAtlasViewSize.x, ScreenProbeIndex / ScreenProbeAtlasViewSize.x); TraceMeshSDFs(ScreenProbeAtlasCoord, TraceTexelCoord, […]

SkinnedMeshRenderer for Unity

SkinnedMeshRenderer Skinned Mesh Filter Use SKinnedMeshRenderer for animated meshes and MeshRenderer for static meshes. The essence of SKinnedMeshRenderer is skinning. The so-called skinning is not the texture of the model, but the Mesh itself. Skinning means that the vertices in the Mesh are attached to the bones. It can be said that a Mesh with […]

OpenMesh performance test

Use OpenMesh-9.0.0 to test the time and memory required to establish a half-edge structure and query it in an adjacency manner Test computer: operating system Windows 10 Pro 64-bit Processor AMD Ryzen 5 2600 Six-Core Processor 3.40 GHz Memory 16.0 GB STL file: File size 1,081,241,600 bytes (1G) Triangle patch 21622316 Number of vertices 10748557 […]

Use openmesh to read obj files and use opengl to display

#include <iostream> #include <OpenMesh/Core/IO/MeshIO.hh> #include <OpenMesh/Core/Mesh/TriMesh_ArrayKernelT.hh> #include <freeglut.h> #include <math.h> #include <Windows.h> #include <string> using namespace std; typedef OpenMesh::TriMesh_ArrayKernelT<> MyMesh; // related to mouse interaction int mousetate = 0; //The current state of the mouse GLfloat Oldx = 0.0; // click the previous position GLfloat Oldy = 0.0; GLuint texture; //The parameters related to the […]