Android uses NFC to read cards (1)

In order to explain NFC thoroughly, I will use three methods to explain it in detail and gradually understand the code writing. This is the first method. Not much to say, this time the main demonstration is to read the card number of the contactless IC card through NFC. Mainly divided into 3 steps: (1) […]

iOS development-CoreNFC implements NFC tag tag reading function

iOS development-CoreNFC implements NFC tag tag reading function 1. NFC near field communication Near Field Communication (NFC) is a wireless communication technology that enables devices to communicate with each other without using the Internet. It first identifies nearby NFC-equipped devices. NFC is commonly used in smartphones and tablets. 2. Implement NFC tag tag reading function […]

NFC function switching system based on nRF7002-DK (nRF Connect SDK+NFC)

Directory Project Introduction Hardware introduction Project Design Development environment and project directory Overall flow chart Hardware initialization NFC function implementation text record Android app opens Button to switch NFC function function display Project summary 【Funpack2-6】NFC function switching system based on nRF7002-DK Github: EmbeddedCamerata/nRF7002-DK-nfc-function-switching Project introduction This project is based on nRF7002-DK, developed using nRF Connect […]

NFC Reader based on FPAG (6) – PPM generation

This chapter mainly implements the conversion of commands into the encoding method of 1 out of 4 in ISO1569, and realizes the PPM conversion of commands. Here we only briefly introduce the coding rules. 4 takes 1, 2bit encoding, low bit to high bit; b2b1, b4b3, b6b5, b8b7. Based on this encoding method, 8-bit data […]

Linux installation package | Git usage | NFC build

dpgt use When it comes to package management tools in Debian-based operating systems, dpkg is an important tool. It is a command line tool for installing, upgrading, configuring and uninstalling software packages in Debian systems. The following is a detailed introduction to dpkg: Software package management: dpkg can manage software packages in the system. It […]

NFC Reader based on FPAG (5) – CRC implementation

In NFC communication, the CRC polynomial used is: The input and output are inverted, the initial value of the register is 0xFFFF, and the output result is XOR 0xFFFF, which is equivalent to the inversion of the CRC output result. According to the formula, we program. CRC implementation can use parallel or serial structure, this […]

NFC Reader based on FPAG (5) Attached – CRC complete code

`timescale 1ns / 1ps // //Company: // Engineer: // // Create Date: 2023/07/07 15:18:06 // Design Name: // Module Name: crc_code // Project Name: // Target Devices: //Tool Versions: // Description: // //Dependencies: // // Revision: // Revision 0.01 – File Created // Additional Comments: // // //? // ¤¨?°? module crc_code #( parameter CMD_WITH […]

Uniapp uses mobile phone NFC function

Create a new utils (anything) folder at the same level as pages import store from ‘@/store/index.js’ // package path const package_NdefRecord = ‘android.nfc.NdefRecord’; const package_NdefMessage = ‘android.nfc.NdefMessage’; const package_TECH_DISCOVERED = ‘android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED’; const package_Intent = ‘android.content.Intent’; const package_Activity = ‘’; const package_PendingIntent = ‘’; const package_IntentFilter = ‘android.content.IntentFilter’; const package_NfcAdapter = ‘android.nfc.NfcAdapter’; const package_Ndef = ‘’; […]