“Understanding custom types: structures, enumerations, unions”

Foreword This article will introduce three custom types in C language: structure, enumeration and union. These data types are very important in C language, they allow programmers to create their own data types to meet specific needs. By understanding these data types, you can better grasp the characteristics and applications of C language. 1. Structure […]

Solutions on the implementation of linked lists with head nodes (creation, intersection, union, difference)

This article uses .c files to call functions, and .h files to define the layout of functional functions. Because no other space is occupied when doing merge and intersection difference, after executing a function, the values of the two linked lists have changed and are no longer the original values, so after each function is […]

Custom types – structures, enumerations, unions

Table of Contents 1. Structure 1.1 Declaration of structure type 1.2 Self-reference of structure 1.3 Definition and initialization of structure variables 1.4 Structure memory alignment Modify the default alignment number 1.5 Structure parameter passing 2. Structure implements bit segments (filling of bit segments & portability) 2.1 What is a bit segment (segmented by binary bits) […]

Kylin KYLINIOS software warehouse construction 01-newly created software warehouse server

Original link: Kirin KYLINIOS software warehouse construction 01-newly created software warehouse server Hello, everyone, today I bring you the article 01 about setting up the Kirin desktop operating system software warehouse-newly created software warehouse server. This article mainly introduces how to set up the Kirin desktop operating system 2203-x86 version. There are three contents in […]

Senior Hayaizo’s favorite tank game (C language)

Background: Senior Hayaizo wanted to play Tank Battle, but he didn’t know where to install it, so he decided to ask his juniors to make one for him directly in C language. Please solve Hayaizo’s physiological needs, please! 1. Game introduction The battlefield is a space with 12 rows and 12 columns, and there is […]

Fluent Python (Second Edition) Companion Reading 1.1 Python Data Model[2/3]

How to use magic methods Regarding magic methods, the first thing to understand is that they are called by the Python interpreter and should not be called manually. For example, instead of using my_object.__len__(), use len(my_object) to have Python call __len__ automatically. However, the interpreter provides some shortcuts for certain built-in types – such as […]

Fluent Python (Second Edition) Companion Reading 1.1 Python Data Model[1/3]

Since Python has a long history (it was born in 1991), there have been version iterations and optimizations. Therefore, the Python language is a highly self-consistent computer language with a self-contained grammar. For people who have been learning and using Python, they will form a programming habit, commonly known as Pythonic – Python style. However, […]

springboot + minio realizes breakpoint resume and instant transmission

Breakpoint resume and instant transfer functions based on springboot + minio Controller /** * http * @param chunk file block object (shards, except the last one, must be greater than or equal to 5M, minio fixed requirement) * @return file block information */ @RequestMapping(value = “/fileUpload”, method = {RequestMethod.GET,RequestMethod.POST}) public R<FileChunkVO> fileUpload(@ModelAttribute FileChunkDTO chunk){ return […]

MInIO upload and download files are encapsulated in jeecgBoot (SpringBoot)

Configure minIO related parameters in the yml configuration file You can choose to write a Util tool class for encapsulation. Here I wrote it directly into a Controller to specifically handle minIO upload and download requests @Slf4j @RestController @RequestMapping(“/sys/common”) public class CommonController {<!– –> @Autowired private ISysBaseAPI sysBaseAPI; @Value(value = “${jeecg.path.upload}”) private String uploadpath; @Value(value […]