excel, wps, vba pivot table multiple and calculation area, year-on-year comparison table, update data source and set format

VBA pivot table multiple and calculated areas, year-on-year comparison table, update data source and set format Ideas 1. Select and store files in two folders 2. Traverse this month’s files to update the data source 1) Open the corresponding two files 2) Get the page label (moutharr array) 3) Store new data source and update […]

Solving a system of linear equations using Python to implement the elimination method (Gaussian elimination, column pivot, Gaussian Jordan)

1. Gaussian elimination method Gaussian elimination method is a basic method for solving linear equations. Its main idea is to convert the original coefficient matrix into an upper triangular matrix or lower triangular matrix through matrix transformation, and then solve the linear equations through back substitution and other methods. solution. Specifically, the Gaussian elimination method […]

Gaussian column pivot elimination method to solve linear equations and its implementation in C language

We have learned three methods for solving linear equations in linear algebra or advanced algebra: Crammer’s rule, matrix transformation and inversion matrix, and Gaussian elimination method. However, when computers are used to perform corresponding engineering calculations, the number of equations they calculate is often very large, resulting in a very large amount of calculations for […]

MaxCompute – ODPS Reloaded 12th Edition – PIVOT/UNPIVOT

Foreword MaxCompute (formerly ODPS) is an industry-leading distributed big data processing platform independently developed by Alibaba Cloud. It is widely used within the group and supports the core business of multiple BUs. In addition to continuously optimizing performance, MaxCompute is also committed to improving the user experience and expressive capabilities of the SQL language and […]

In-depth MaxCompute-Twelfth Edition-PIVOT/UNPIVOT

Introduction: MaxCompute launches a new syntax – PIVOT/UNPIVOT: Use the PIVOT keyword to convert one or more rows with specified values into columns based on aggregation; use the UNPIVOT keyword to convert one or more columns into OK. It meets the needs of row to column and column to row in a more concise and […]

Python implements query data from oracle database to generate excel pivot table and send it to outlook

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # http://pypi.cq.pegatroncorp.com/simple –trusted-host pypi.cq.pegatroncorp.com import chardet import datetime import time import xlwt import win32com.client as win32 from win32com.client import constants import os import pandas as pd import numpy as np import fsspec import xlrd#Using pandas needs to rely on this library, so pip import is required from openpyxl import load_workbook […]

Atcoder [ARC152C] Pivot

Link to topic Atcoder direction Luogu direction Problem solution consider 2 the s ? a i 2s-a_i 2s?ai? is similar to the flip operation, so put the sequence of numbers on the number axis to do Consider an operation that takes a 1 , . . . , a no a_1,…,a_n a1?,…,an? around the s […]

Twenty-four, data grouping/pivot table

Directory 1. Data grouping 1. Excel implementation 2. Python implementation 3. The grouping key is the column name group by column group by multiple columns 4. The grouping key is Series Group by a series Group by multiple series 5. The magical aggregate method 6. Reset the index for the grouped results 2. Pivot table […]

[Algorithm] Find the Pivot Integer Find the pivot integer

Article directory Find the Pivot Integer Find the pivot integer Problem Description: analyze the code tag Find the Pivot Integer Find the pivot integer Description of problem: Given a positive integer n, find the pivot integer x that satisfies the following conditions: The sum of all elements between 1 and x is equal to the […]

pandas—binning (discretization), drawing, crosstab and pivot table

1. Binning The binning operation is to discretize continuous data. The binning operation is divided into equidistant binning and equal frequency binning. 1.1 Equal width binning pandas. cut(x, bins, right=True, labels=None, retbins=False, precision=3, include_lowest=False, duplicates=’raise’, ordered=True) x: 1D array or Series to bin. bins: Indication of the bounds of the bins. There are three input […]