The principles of Go language coroutines and the relationship between coroutines and threads! (Very important)

The coroutine of Go language is something unique compared to other languages, and it is also very important. Many times we want to understand its underlying principles, but cannot find suitable knowledge points on the Internet. For example, if you ask GPT, he will answer you like this : Coroutines and threads are both technologies […]

OpenMMlab exports the yolov3 model and uses onnxruntime and tensorrt for inference

Export onnx file Use script directly import torch from mmdet.apis import init_detector, inference_detector config_file = ‘./configs/yolo/’ checkpoint_file = ‘yolov3_mobilenetv2_mstrain-416_300e_coco_20210718_010823-f68a07b3.pth’ model = init_detector(config_file, checkpoint_file, device=’cpu’) # or device=’cuda:0′ torch.onnx.export(model, (torch.zeros(1, 3, 416, 416),), “yolov3.onnx”, opset_version=11) The exported onnx structure is as follows: The output is the output of three different levels of detection heads. If you […]

AI system source code ChatGPT website source code + ai painting system/support GPT4.0/support Midjourney partial editing and redrawing

1. AI creation system SparkAi creation system is an Ai intelligent question and answer system and Midjourney painting system developed based on OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT. It supports the full model of OpenAI-GPT + the full model of domestic AI. The overall test of the source code system in this issue is very perfect. It can […]

The saveBatch of mybatis-plus reports an error, but there is no problem with save? Null pointer Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

Null pointer problem in batch operations such as saveBatch in mybatis-plus describe: Error message Solutions solution doubt Reference blog Description: It’s almost time to get off work again, haha. I hope I can help you. I’ll explain it in a scribble. Null pointers will appear in batch operations, but there is no problem in a […]

A brief taste of OpenWRT / Bypass gateway configuration based on RAVPower-WD009 portable routing file treasure

Directory Preface demand analysis Equipment on hand Home network topology diagram Bypass gateway configuration OpenWRT firmware selection OpenWRT firmware flashing Bypass gateway configuration process Use of bypass gateway Preliminary work Daily storage/key backup Intranet penetration 24 hours standby downloader Foreword Recently, due to personal needs, an OpenWRT device is needed to implement some functions. Therefore, […]

c++ third-party library manager vcpkg imports libraries like python

Introducing the background of vcpkg What is vcpkg vcpkg is an open source C++ library management tool that helps developers quickly install and manage C++ libraries on operating systems such as Windows, Linux, and macOS. vcpkg supports more than 1500 C++ libraries, including Boost, OpenSSL, SDL2 and other commonly used libraries. The history and development […]

AI system ChatGPT program source code + AI painting system source code + supports GPT4.0 + Midjourney painting

1. AI creation system SparkAi creation system is an Ai intelligent question and answer system and Midjourney painting system developed based on OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT. It supports the full model of OpenAI-GPT + the full model of domestic AI. The overall test of the source code system in this issue is very perfect. It can […]

2. Import and export of docker images

Directory Overview docker common commands download Export Import image Finish Overview Docker common commands The commands used in this chapter are summarized here, with use cases following. Command Function docker images Show images docker rmi $(docker images -q) Delete all images on the system docker rmi -f Force deletion of multiple images: docker rmi -f […]

SSM-based technology company portal

Get the source code at the end Development language: Java Java development tools: JDK1.8 Backend framework: SSM Front-end: developed using JSP technology Database: MySQL5.7 combined with Navicat management tool Server: Tomcat8.5 Development software: IDEA/Eclipse Is it a Maven project: Yes Table of Contents 1. Project Introduction 2. System functions 3. System project screenshots Implementation of […]