docker cp prompts Stale file handle

docker replacement jar package prompt [root@xxxx merged]# mv sso-server-0.0.1.jar app.jar mv: overwrite app.jar’? y mv: cannot move sso-server-0.0.1.jar’ to app.jar’: Stale file handle Troubleshooting Tracking with strace doesn’t provide any useful information. [root@xxxx merged]# strace mv sso-server-0.0.1.jar app.jar execve(“/usr/bin/mv”, [“mv”, “sso-server-0.0.1.jar”, “app.jar”], [/* 29 vars */]) = 0 brk(NULL) = 0x1688000 mmap(NULL, 4096, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, […]

“Prompt-to-Prompt Image Editing with Cross Attention Control” code analysis (1)

Code address: Paper address: Cross-Attention Visualization Set the random number generator and prompt g_cpu = torch.Generator().manual_seed(8888) prompts = [“A painting of a squirrel eating a burger”] Declare an attention map controller object controller = AttentionStore() The AttentionStore class inherits from the abstract class AttentionControl and needs to focus on the following methods: class […]

Prompt design and fine-tuning of large language models

This article mainly introduces the application of Prompt design, large language model SFT and LLM in the mobile Tmall AI shopping guide assistant project. Basic principles of ChatGPT “Talking AI”, “Intelligent Agent” It can be briefly summarized into the following steps: Preprocessing text: The input text of ChatGPT needs to be preprocessed. Input encoding: ChatGPT […]

k8s Flannel network plug-in installation prompt forbidden without permission

1. Problem description When installing the k8s network plug-in, the following message is prompted, various forbidden permissions are not available [root@zzyk8s01 scripts]# kubectl apply -f kube-flannel.yml Error from server (Forbidden): error when retrieving current configuration of: Resource: “policy/v1beta1, Resource=podsecuritypolicies”, GroupVersionKind: “policy/v1beta1, Kind=PodSecurityPolicy” Name: “psp.flannel.unprivileged”, Namespace: “” from server for: “kube-flannel.yml”: podsecuritypolicies.policy “psp.flannel.unprivileged” is forbidden: User […]

The latest AI intelligent writing and creation system source code V2.6.4/AI painting system/supports GPT network questioning/supports Prompt application

1. AI creation system The SparkAi creation system is an Ai intelligent question and answer system + AI painting system developed based on OpenAI’s popular ChatGPT. It supports OpenAI GPT full model + domestic AI full model. The overall test of the source code system in this issue is very perfect. It can be said […]

yum install tcpreplay failed, prompt: No package tcpreplay available. Error: Nothing to do

yum install tcpreplay failed, prompt: No package tcpreplay available. Error: Nothing to do solution: The problem you encounter is that when you try to use yum to install tcpreplay, the system prompts that no available package was found. This error usually means that the tcpreplay package is not available on your system, or your package […]

Large language model Prompt project

Original link: Table of Contents 1 abstract 2 Basic prompt method 1.1 Zero-shot 1.2 Few-shot 3 Instruct Prompt 4 Some advanced prompt usage 4.1 Self-Consistent Sampling Temperature Top_K 4.2 Chain of Thought 4.3 Tree of Thought 5 Automatic prompt design 6 Augmented Language Models 6.1 Retrieval 6.2 Programming Language 6.3 Tool enhancement Tool 1 abstract […]

Prompt Engineering

Here, we discuss several principles and techniques for writing prompts (the content that feeds your model) that will help you get the best generation results for your task. Choosing the right temperature can also have a big impact on build quality, and we’ll discuss temperature separately here. Key principles: We found that there are two […]

[SegmentAnything Practical Combat – Inference 3] Interactively select prompt boxes and prompt points to complete SAM inference on your own data set

prompt boxes + points joint reasoning write in front Effect + code 1. Select target box (1) + points for prediction 1.1 Effect All code that can be run Complete code Summarize Generally speaking, if you want to fully understand the SAM model code, the most important thing is to take a good look at […]