Example for Configuring IPSec-Protected DSVPN

Network requirements A large enterprise has a headquarters (Hub) and multiple branches (Spoke1, Spoke2…, only two branches are used in the example), which are distributed in different regions. The subnet environments of the headquarters and branches often change. Branches use dynamic addresses to access the public network. The enterprise’s current network planning uses the OSPF […]

Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make protected final java.lang.C

Recently, I encountered such a problem when learning JDK17. SpringBoot failed to start. The log is as follows: Exception in thread “main” java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to instantiate factory class [com.ctrip.framework.apollo.spring.boot.ApolloApplicationContextInitializer] for factory type [org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextInitializer] at org.springframework.core.io.support.SpringFactoriesLoader$FailureHandler.lambda$throwing$0(SpringFactoriesLoader.java:650) at org.springframework.core.io.support.SpringFactoriesLoader$FailureHandler.lambda$handleMessage$3(SpringFactoriesLoader.java:674) at org.springframework.core.io.support.SpringFactoriesLoader.instantiateFactory(SpringFactoriesLoader.java:231) at org.springframework.core.io.support.SpringFactoriesLoader.load(SpringFactoriesLoader.java:206) at org.springframework.core.io.support.SpringFactoriesLoader.load(SpringFactoriesLoader.java:160) at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.getSpringFactoriesInstances(SpringApplication.java:459) at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.getSpringFactoriesInstances(SpringApplication.java:455) at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.<init>(SpringApplication.java:273) at org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication.<init>(SpringApplication.java:252) at com.zzz.train.business.BusinessApplication.main(BusinessApplication.java:20) Caused by: […]

[C++] Inheritance ⑤ (public public inheritance – example analysis | protected protected inheritance – example analysis | private private inheritance – example analysis)

Article directory 1. Public public inheritance – example analysis 1. public public inheritance 2. Code example – public public inheritance 2. protected inheritance – example analysis 1. protected inheritance 2. Code example – protected protected inheritance 3. Private private inheritance – example analysis 1. private private inheritance 2. Code example – private private inheritance The […]

c++ inherited access control (public, protected, private)

Foreword In this article, you will learn to use public inheritance, protected inheritance and private inheritance in C++. You’ll learn through examples where and how to use it. You can declare a derived class from a base class with different access designations, i.e. public inheritance, protected inheritance or private inheritance. #include <iostream> using namespace std; […]

Public, private and protected class visibility modes in javascript

Public, private and protected class visibility modes in javascript Public Class As part of ES2015, it supports public fields (no field syntax), public getters / setters and public methods, as well as public static getters / setters and public static methods. Here is an example that includes all the methods mentioned above: class Person {<!– […]

[QandA C++] Summary of key knowledge on references, pointers, rewriting, overloading, redefinition, public, protected, private, friends, deep and shallow copies, new, malloc, nullptr, NULL, destructor, etc.

Table of Contents The difference between reference and pointer rewrite, overload, redefine public/protected/private friends Deep copy and shallow copy new and malloc pointer array, array pointer constant pointer, pointer constant nullptr and NULL What is a destructor The difference between references and pointers A pointer is an entity and needs to allocate memory space, while […]

Java permission modifiers (public, private, protected, default friendly)

In the past, access modifiers were always ambiguous, and I often couldn’t explain them clearly even if I asked myself to explain them carefully. This time I want to understand them thoroughly. Now the summary is as follows: 1. Summary of the access rights of each access modifier to different packages and their subclasses, non-subclasses […]

class modifiers public, private, protected, static, abstract

The use and difference of class modifiers public, private, protected, static, abstract public: can be inherited and instantiated class Person { public name: string; constructor(thename: string) { this.name = thename; } } class Jack extends Person { age: number; constructor(name: string, age: number) { super(name) this.age = age; } say() { console.log(`my name is ${this.name}, […]

x86 protected mode task state segments and control gates

x86 protected mode task state segments and control gates Each task has a task state segment TSS, which is used to save the relevant information of the task. This information is needed for intra-task contingency and task switching. The transfer of intra-task contingency and task switching generally require these transfers through control gates. System segment […]

Unity variable modifiers of protected, internal, const, readonly, static

Article directory protected internal const readonly static protected When programming in C# in Unity, protected is an access modifier used to control the visibility and access rights of class members (fields, methods, properties, etc.). Members modified by protected can be accessed within the current class, derived classes (subclasses), and other classes in the same namespace, […]