[Comprehensive explanation of Linux commands] 055.readonly command: Mark Shell variables or functions as read-only

Article directory readonly grammar The main purpose Options parameter return value example Common mistakes Learn `python` from scratch readonly Mark a shell variable or function as read-only Grammar readonly [-aAf] [name[=value] …] readonly -p Main purposes Define one or more variables and set read-only attributes. Set the read-only attribute for one or more defined variables. […]

Unity variable modifiers of protected, internal, const, readonly, static

Article directory protected internal const readonly static protected When programming in C# in Unity, protected is an access modifier used to control the visibility and access rights of class members (fields, methods, properties, etc.). Members modified by protected can be accessed within the current class, derived classes (subclasses), and other classes in the same namespace, […]

Regarding the update under the Spring JPA transaction state readonly, the data is not actually updated, but the analysis returns that the operation is successful and does not throw an exception

1. Problem description From the problem that the sping transaction does not work, we can see that the basic process of transaction control is that the interceptor intercepts the execution of the method, and then checks the name and type of the method in the advices to see if there is a matching aspect logic, […]

C# — set constant constant, readonly

C# — Constructor, Object Initializer, Property, Constant, and Readonly Constructor and Object Initializer Fields and Properties How to set constants Constructor and Object Initializer The constructor is used for initialization, can be overloaded, and identifies which constructor to call through the input parameter If there is no custom constructor, the compiler will automatically generate a […]

ts built-in tool types (Partial, Pick, Record, Readonly, Exclude, Extract, Omit, etc.)

Reference link: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_43869822/article/details/121664818 The typescript source code can be viewed in the lib.es5.d.ts file in the package directory (such as node_modules) Summary Optional Partial , mandatory Required , read-only Readonly Filtering and elimination: Exclude, Extract, Pick, Omit The key and value of the constraint object: Record Remove null and undefined: NonNullable Function parameter type: Parameters, […]

Vue3 technology 6 toRef and toRefs, shallowReactive and shallowRef, readonly and shallowReadonly

Vue3 technology 6 toRef and toRefs toRef App.vue Demo.vue toRefs App.vue DemoTwo.vue Summarize shallowReactive and shallowRef shallowReactive App.vue Demo.vue shallowRef Demo.vue Summarize readonly and shallowReadonly App.vue Demo.vue DemoTwo.vue Summarize toRef and toRefs toRef App.vue <template> <button @click=”toggle=!toggle”>Toggle show/hide</button> <Demo v-if=”toggle”></Demo> </template> <script> import {<!– –>ref} from ‘vue’ import Demo from “@/components/Demo”; export default {<!– –> […]

[Solved] Computed value is readonly error in nuxt3 useFetch

Error one: [VueError]Error: [vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers. Error two: computed value is readonly An error will be reported in the following cases, and removing any useFetch will solve the problem same page component one useFetch(async() => {<!– –> store.commit(‘wish/set’, [‘data’, {<!– –>name: ‘Zhang San’}]) }) component two const data […]

[Solved] React + TS error: Property ‘name’ does not exist on type ‘Readonly<{}>’

Foreword In the project of learning React + TS, the parent-child component pass parameter error: The property “name” does not exist on the type “Readonly“. This article mainly records the solution to this problem. 1. The error code is as follows import React from “react”; import ‘./index.css’ // class component class Hello extends React.Component { […]