Based on springboot layui dietary therapy recipe website source code

Based on springboot layui dietary therapy recipe website source code 437 Development tools: idea or eclipse Database mysql5.7 + Database link tools: navcat, Little Dolphin, etc. package com.wuye.util; import org.springframework.util.StringUtils; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /** * @author hb * @date 2022-02-28 8:46 */ public class DateUtils { /** * 黮峰缑褰揿墠啞ユ桡 yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss * […]

Make encountered in Ubuntu 20: gcc: Command not found Makefile:85: recipe for target obj/gemm.o failed make: **

Table of Contents Make encountered in Ubuntu 20: gcc: Command not found Makefile:85: recipe for target ‘obj/gemm.o’ failed make: ** problem causes Solution Step 1: Update the package list Step 2: Install the gcc compiler Step 3: Verify installation Step 4: Rerun the make command Summarize Sample code Introduction to GCC Function Instructions Summarize Ubuntu […]

Installing the cook recipe tool on Linux system

Installing cook recipe tool on Linux system 1. Introduction to cook recipe tool 2. Introduction to local environment 2.1 Local environment planning 2.2 Introduction to this practice 3. Check the local environment 3.1 Check local operating system version 3.2 Check the system kernel version 3.3 Check whether pnpm is installed on the system 4. Deploy […]

React Hooks Recipes and Guidelines

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Why are you writing this article? The official React documentation provides many tutorials and guides about Hooks from entry to practice, but for some intermediate and advanced developers, it is still difficult to master the various usages and techniques. This article aims to lead you […]

tidymodels-recipes: data preprocessing

In the previous tweet, we introduced the importance of data preprocessing and demonstrated the data preprocessing method in the caret package: Commonly used data preprocessing methods for predictive modeling R language machine learning caret-02: data preprocessing Be sure to read the two tweets first, because some method explanations and principles have been explained before Today […]

How to Train Your Dragon: a Recipe for Training Giant N

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction Have you ever faced the problem of spending too much time and resources training a deep learning model? Significant difficulties are encountered even on tiny data sets. You must be very sad. As an AI engineer, I believe everyone will feel similar sadness and sorrow. […]

MinecraftFabric Mod development complete process 3 – Recipe and mining level

Table of Contents new formula Workbench Recipe Disorder Synthesis Recipe Ordered Synthesis Recipe Furnace Recipe Digging levels and drops Excavation level Standard grade configuration error-prone analysis Loot and Drops normal block drop ore block drop New recipe Workbench recipe In order to facilitate you to quickly create recipes, you can directly go to this website […]

[Solved] scripts/ recipe for target ‘scripts/mod/empty.o’ failed

[OHOS ERROR] scripts/ recipe for target ‘scripts/mod/empty.o’ failed [OHOS ERROR] make[3]: *** [scripts/mod/empty.o] Error 1 [OHOS ERROR] make[3]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs…. [OHOS ERROR] clang-10: error: unknown argument: ‘-mno-thumb-interwork’ [OHOS ERROR] scripts/ recipe for target ‘scripts/mod/devicetable-offsets.s’ failed [OHOS ERROR] make[3]: *** [scripts/mod/devicetable-offsets.s] Error 1 [OHOS ERROR] Generating include/generated/mach-types.h [OHOS ERROR] scripts/ recipe for target […]

[Solved] *** recipe commences before first target. Stop. Solution

When compiling, the following error is prompted: drivers/net/wireless/MT79XX/Makefile:407: *** recipe commences before first target. Stop. Run vim to open the Makefile and open the line number. $vim drivers/net/wireless/MT79XX/Makefile show: 391 LINUX: 392 ifeq($(TCSUPPORT_WLAN_MT7915_BUILD_IN),1) 393 obj-y += ../os/linux/ 394 endif 395 # cp -f $(RT28xx_OS_DIR)/linux/Makefile.6 $(RT28xx_OS_DIR)/linux/Makefile 396 ifneq ($(TCSUPPORT_WLAN_MT7915_BUILD_IN),1) 397 cp -f $(RT28xx_OS_DIR)/linux/Makefile.mt_wifi_ap $(RT28xx_OS_DIR)/linux/Makefile 398 endif […]

[Solved] build/core/ recipe for target ‘ninja_wrapper’ failed

build/core/ recipe for target ‘ninja_wrapper’ failed error wuyf@R730Dev1:~$ vim .jack-settings wuyf@R730Dev1:~$ cd .jack-server/ wuyf@R730Dev1:~/.jack-server$ vim Modify the port number, the two should correspond The article knowledge points match the official knowledge files, and you can further learn the relevant knowledge CS introductory skill tree Linux entry First acquaintance with Linux9452 people are learning the […]