FaceFusion: Explore unlimited creativity and create unique face fusion art!

FaceFusion: Explore unlimited creativity and create unique face fusion art! It uses advanced image processing technology to allow users to blend different facial features together to create interesting and impressive effects. Potential applications for this project include entertainment, virtual makeup and art creation, providing users with creative tools 1. Effect preview 2.Installation Please note that […]

Generate unique distributed ID based on Snowflake algorithm

1. What is the snowflake algorithm Snowflake is Twitter’s open source distributed ID generation algorithm, and the result is a long ID. This scheme is roughly an algorithm that generates IDs by dividing the namespace (UUID also counts, because it is relatively common, so it is analyzed separately). This scheme divides 64-bit into multiple segments […]

mysql keys, data constraints in database tables (PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, NOT NULL, DEFAULT, CHECK, FOREIGN KEY) composite primary key constraints, unique constraints, default constraints, check constraints, foreign key constraints. cascade

Let’s first look at the explanation of the results of the desc xxx table in mysql: The “Field” column displays the name of each field (i.e., column) of the table. The “Type” column shows the data type of each field. The “Null” column indicates whether the field can be NULL. If the field does not […]

python test development django-rest-framework-93. UniqueTogetherValidator joint unique verification of deserialization (ModelSerializer)…

Foreword When adding a product earlier, the product code can only be added once and can be verified with a unique field using the UniqueValidator. If a user collects a product, one user can collect multiple products, and one product can also be collected by multiple people. However, the same person can only collect the […]

Mybatis-Plus About savebatch, saveorupdatebatch pitfalls and solutions & expand mybatisPlus implementation class method, when inserting in batches, the unique index will be updated after conflict

1. Background ? The recent update of the mybatis-plus framework has made our basic development even more powerful. Among them, the basic addition, deletion, modification and query, the code generator must be used by everyone and it is a pleasure. I also encountered some pitfalls during use. For example, savebatch, saveorupdatebatch, it seems that this […]

《Resolved Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique key prop (React)》

Blogger Maotouhu () takes you to Go to New World? Blog homepage: Maotouhu’s blog “Complete Column of Interview Questions” Articles with pictures and texts Vivid images Simple and easy to learn! Everyone is welcome to step in~ “IDEA Development Cheats Column” Learn the common operations of IDEA and double your work efficiency~ “Master Golang in […]

22 practical CSS tips to make your website unique

Want to make your website stand out from the competition? Using the power of CSS can help you achieve this. This article will share 22 practical CSS tips to help you improve the appearance and user experience of your website. Whether you’re a newbie or an experienced developer, these tips will inject fresh design elements […]

C++ smart pointer unique_ptr (nanny-level teaching)

Table of Contents unique_ptr Overview Involving procedures initialization Manual initialization std::make_unique function (C++14) unique_ptr normal operations Operation not supported: This pointer does not support copy and assignment operations; therefore, it cannot be copied to the container. Move semantics std::move(); release(); reset(); *Solution application get(); Specify deleter The difference between unique_ptr and shared_ptr when specifying deleter […]

Broadcast_200 points_A/B volume multiplexing_Unique search/dfs

Broadcast Title description: There are N radio stations in a certain place. Some of the stations are connected and some are not. Connected sites will send to each other after receiving the broadcast. Given a N * N two-dimensional array matrix, the elements of the array are all characters ‘0’ or ‘1’. matrix[i][j]=1’, means there […]