Gaussian Elimination Solving Linear Equations Solving XOR Linear Equations

Table of Contents Gaussian Elimination Solving System of Linear Equations Code Gaussian Elimination Solving XOR Linear Equations main idea Code Gaussian elimination to solve linear equations Description of topic: Enter a containing no no n equations no no System of linear equations in n unknowns. The coefficients in the system of equations are real numbers. […]

[CTF Re] easyxor.exe

1. Foreword This is a question from adword 2. Reverse process Open IDA and take a look at it statically First of all, each character ch in the input flag needs to be operated with key[idx % 4] ^ ch, and idx is the index of the current character. For example, the result after this […]

XOR encryption (XOR) principle and implementation (**)

Table of contents Introduction to XOR encryption XOR encryption algorithm (including a simple C language encryption and decryption source code) XOR Encryption (XOR) Principle and Implementation =========================================== XOR encryption (XOR) principle and implementation 2019-01-12 program development Implemented an online encryption and decryption tool with js, supports Chinese as the key, welcome to try it […]

Atcoder [ARC156D] Xor Sum 5

Link to topic Atcoder direction Luogu direction Problem solution Considering the nature of XOR, a number being XORed an even number of times is equivalent to 0 0 0, a number is exclusive or an odd number of times is equivalent to only one exclusive or Consider each number if it appears b 1 , […]

A variant of the doubly linked list – XOR linked list

Variation of doubly linked list – XOR linked list XOR group XOR linked list structure structure insert delete traverse accomplish Exclusive OR group Most programming languages define the XOR operation of integers. For example, the result of executing the statement 2 ^ 3 in Java is 1. From a higher perspective, integers are nothing more […]

LC-1177. Build palindrome detection (XOR prefix and + state compression)

Reference: Step by step optimization! From prefix sums to prefix xor sums (attached sheet!) 1177. Construct palindrome detection Moderate 113 Given a string s, please check the substring of s. For each detection, the substring to be checked can be expressed as queries[i] = [left, right, k]. We can rearrange the substrings s[left], …, […]

Algorithm|2. XOR operation

Algorithms|2. XOR operation 1. Exchange the values of two numbers without additional variables Title: Swap the values of two numbers (in an array) without additional variables Problem-solving ideas: Properties using exclusive-or operations Code and running results: 2. Find the only number that appears odd times Question: In an array, there is an odd number of […]

XOR and nonlinearity of neural network

In deep learning, we often use neural networks to solve various problems. However, not all problems can be solved by neural networks. A well-known example of this is the XOR problem. Exclusive OR (XOR) is a logical operator that means 0 if two are the same and 1 if they are different. For example, 1 […]