Warning: mysqli_query(): MySQL server has gone away in /home/wwwroot/syntaxbug.com/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1924

Warning: mysqli_query(): Error reading result set's header in /home/wwwroot/syntaxbug.com/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1924
implementation – Page 3 – SyntaxBug

“Understand in one article” Nacos service registration implementation principle

Contents of this chapter Service Registry The main function of the service registry is to store service registration information. Service registry structure, as shown in the figure: Service registry: // com.alibaba.nacos.naming.core.ServiceManager#serviceMap Map<String, Map<String, Service>> serviceMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); in: Outer map: key: namespace (namespace), mainly used for environment isolation, such as: public, production environment, test […]

Implementation of Spring-SpringAOP

Understanding of Spring AOP OOP stands for object-oriented programming, which is a programming idea, and AOP stands for aspect-oriented programming, which is also a programming idea. Spring AOP: Technical support provided by Spring to make it easier for programmers to implement aspect-oriented programming. A set of mechanisms provided by Spring make it easier for us […]

Design and implementation of java graduation project based on spingboot+vue questionnaire system

Collect and follow to avoid getting lost, end of source code article Article directory Preface 1. Project introduction 2. Development environment 3. Function introduction 1 Administrator use case 2User use cases 4. Core code 5. Effect drawing 6. Article Table of Contents Foreword With the rapid development of science and technology, all walks of life […]

[Open Source] Design and implementation of domestic waste recycling system based on Vue.js

Directory 1. Abstract 1.1 Project introduction 1.2 Project detailed screen recording 2. Research content 3. Interface display 3.1 Log in and register 3.2 Resource Type & Resource Category Module 3.3 Recycling mechanism module 3.4 Resource purchase/sale/transaction order module 3.5 Customer service consultation module 4. Disclaimer 1. Summary 1.1 Project Introduction The domestic waste recycling system […]

Mobile development-simple implementation of Recycleview click-to-jump function

Homework objectives Relying on assignment one (mobile development – experiment 1 – simple implementation of WeChat interface – CSDN blog), add a click function to each item of recyclerView, and jump to a new view to display information after clicking. Design ideas First, design the page discover_detail.xml that recycleview will jump to, then create a […]

Custom Graph Component: 1.1-JiebaTokenizer specific implementation

JiebaTokenizer class inherits from Tokenizer class, and Tokenizer class inherits from GraphComponent class, and GraphComponent class inherits from ABC class (abstract base class). This article uses the example in “Using ResponseSelector to Implement Campus Recruitment FAQ Robot” to mainly explain in detail the specific implementation of the methods in the JiebaTokenizer class. 0. List of […]

Lab8: Locks | Lock optimization implementation

Lab: locks Memory allocator (moderate) Your job is to implement per-CPU freelists, and stealing when a CPU’s free list is empty. You must give all of your locks names that start with “kmem”. That is, you should call initlock for each of your locks, and pass a name that starts with “kmem”. Run kalloctest to […]

Implementation code of AES/ECB/PKCS5Padding algorithm for secret key encryption and decryption of any length consistent with JAVA, Python and PHP

Recently, I encountered an AES encryption algorithm that needs to be implemented in Java, Python, and PHP. In fact, it is not very complicated in nature, but the parameter adjustment is quite troublesome. I found some reference materials and finally got it. The actual code is as follows: Main features The three languages of JAVA, […]