Java reads OPC DA data—Utgard

Java reads OPC DA data-Utgard The Utgard library is outdated and the original author has long deleted the library. It is recommended to use OPC UA, which is compatible with OPC DA. The following explains the use of Utgard Both C# and C++ do not need to configure DCOM and call functions directly. Since you […]

jsp+servlet online ordering system (front desk, backend) based on javaweb+mysql (java+jsp+servlet+mysql+dbutil+tomcat)

jsp + servlet online ordering system (front desk, backend) based on javaweb + mysql (java + jsp + servlet + mysql + dbutil + tomcat) Private message Source code acquisition and debugging communication Operating environment Java≥8, MySQL≥5.7, Tomcat≥8 development tools eclipse/idea/myeclipse/sts, etc. can be configured to run Be applicable Course design, major assignments, graduation projects, […]

Java SE packages, packages, static keywords and code blocks

1. Encapsulation 1.1 Concept of encapsulation There are three major characteristics of object-oriented programs: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. In the class and object stage, the main research is on encapsulation characteristics. What is encapsulation? simply put It’s the shell shielding details. Encapsulation: organically combine data and methods of operating data, hide the properties and implementation […]

Java GUI programming completes arithmetic test

1. Question requirements Write a small arithmetic test software to train primary school students’ arithmetic ability. The program consists of3classes, of which The Teacherclass object is responsible for giving arithmetic questions and judging whether the answer of the respondent is correct:ComputerFrameTheGUIinterface provided by the class object sees the question and passes it TheGUIinterface gives answers […]

Java project: 318SSM hospital appointment registration system

Author’s homepage: Ye Weiyang 5788 Introduction: High-quality creators in the Java field, Java projects, learning materials, and technical mutual assistance Get the source code at the end of the article Project introduction Hospital appointment registration system based on SSM Role: Administrator, Doctor, User After the administrator logs in to the system, he can perform corresponding […]

Creation of java multithreading

Method 1: Inherit the Thread class Java represents threads through the java.lang.Thread class 1. Define a MyThread that inherits the thread class java.lang.Thread and rerun() method 2. Create a MyThread object. 4. Call the start() method of the thread object to start the thread (the run method is still executed after startup) package com.Thread.create; public […]

jstack java stack tracing tool

jstack java stack tracing tool 1. Introduction to jstack jstack (stack trace for java) is a stack tracing tool that comes with the Java virtual machine. jstack is mainly used to generate a thread snapshot of the current moment of the Java virtual machine. The thread snapshot is the method currently being executed by each […]

java opencv4.8.0 text recognition

Tools import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.opencv.core.Mat; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint; import org.opencv.core.MatOfPoint2f; import org.opencv.core.Point; import org.opencv.core.Scalar; import org.opencv.core.Size; import org.opencv.dnn.TextDetectionModel_DB; import org.opencv.dnn.TextRecognitionModel; import org.opencv.highgui.HighGui; import org.opencv.highgui.ImageWindow; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; public class OpencvUtil {<!– –> \t static String textRecognition(Mat mat, Size inputSize1) {<!– –> Path path = Paths.get(“src”,”main”,”resources”,”text_recognition_CRNN_CH_2023feb_fp16.onnx”); System.out.println(path.toAbsolutePath()); TextRecognitionModel […]

Five major IO models in Linux and three IO models in Java

The five major IO models in Linux and the three IO models in Java IO model background 1. Kernel state, user state 2. The general process of the application receiving data from the network 3. Synchronous/asynchronous, blocking/non-blocking Five major Linux IO models Blocking IO Non-blocking IO Multiplexed IO Signal driven IO Asynchronous IO Three IO […]

Even more powerful, Java accesses ChatGPT API

This article describes how to interact with the ChatGPT API using Java, helping you integrate the power of the ChatGPT model into your Java applications! Search on WeChat and follow “Java Learning and Research Base Camp” As a large-scale language model trained by OpenAI, ChatGPT provides artificial intelligence services for natural language processing tasks. By […]