Opencv C++ 6. Grayscale transformation: linear transformation, grayscale inversion, logarithmic transformation, gamma transformation, (adaptive) histogram equalization

1. Principle of grayscale transformation: The original image pixel gray value r is mapped to a gray value s through the transformation function T: s=T(r). 2. Grayscale transformation method: Linear transformation (brightness and contrast adjustment): Principle: Linear transformation is a simple method of adjusting brightness and contrast by applying a linear transformation formula to the […]

02-Algorithm-master formula, median value, logarithmizer (C++ implementation)

2. Understand O(N*logN) sorting Section 1, master formula ? In programming, recursion is a very common algorithm. It is widely used because of the simplicity of the code. However, compared with sequential execution or loop programs, the time complexity of recursion is difficult to calculate, and the master formula is used to calculate the time […]

Opencv c++ contrast enhancement (1. Multi-scale Retinex; 2. LICE-Retinex; 3. Adaptive logarithmic mapping.)

Commonly used contrast enhancement: histogram equalization, gamma transformation, logarithmic transformation, which can basically solve common industrial problems. This issue mainly talks about three contrast enhancement algorithms with better effects: 1. Multi-scale Retinex; 2. LICE-Retinex; 2. Adaptive logarithmic mapping. Multi-scale Retinex The basic content of the Retinex theory is that the color of an object is […]

Logical regression (Logistic regression also known as logarithmic probability regression) principle and python code implementation

1. Formula derivation In order to implement the Logistic regression classifier, we can multiply each feature by a regression coefficient, then add all the result values, and substitute this sum into the Sigmoid function to obtain a range between 0 and 1. value. Any data greater than 0.5 is classified into category 1, and less […]

Echarts Y-axis scientific notation logarithmic display, generate X-axis corresponding time

There is currently a requirement that the Y-axis is displayed in scientific notation, and each interval differs by 10 times. After investigating many methods, I finally found that there is a method in echarts that can be realized. Let’s take a look at the renderings first The X-axis shows a fixed 24 hours, and if […]

Baumer industrial camera How Baumer industrial camera combines BGAPISDK and Halcon to realize the logarithmic Log transformation algorithm enhancement of the image (C#)

How does Baumer industrial camera combine BGAPISDK and Halcon to achieve image logarithmic Log transformation algorithm enhancement (C#) Baumer industrial camera Baumer industrial cameras use image algorithms to add technical background to images Baumer industrial camera uses BGAPI SDK and Halcon to use Log image enhancement algorithm 1. Reference the appropriate class file 2. BGAPI […]