Dynamically generate swagger documents based on OpenAPI and freemarker

Foreword In spring projects, you can use springfox or springdoc to generate swagger documents by writing annotations. The following introduces a way to dynamically generate swagger documents without writing annotations. This will be applicable in certain scenarios. For example, the interface is dynamically generated, and swagger documents are generated dynamically. It cannot be generated through […]

OpenAPI Specification 3-Swagger2

background I use swagger2.0 myself. In view of its appearance and OpenAPI specifications, I want to experience it. I will add demos for various situations later. 1. What is swagger? OpenAPI Specification (OAS for short) is a project of the Linux Foundation that attempts to standardize the RESTful service development process by defining a language […]

springboot3.0.11-SNAPSHOT problems encountered when using knife4j-openapi3

1. Local working environment ide2021 jdk17 springboot3.0.11-SNAPSHOT 2. Reasons for using knife4j-openapi3 After writing a project using springboot3, I want to quickly generate an interface document for myself to watch. After surfing the Internet for a while, I found that it is more suitable to use Swagger documents to complete a complex document with a […]

Springboot 2.7 integrates Swagger enhanced interface framework Knife4j 4.3 + springdoc OpenApi 3.0

Article directory 1 summary 2 Core Maven dependencies 3 core code 3.1 application configuration 3.2 openApi configuration class 3.3 POJO class usage examples 3.3.1 Entity class 3.3.2 Request parameters 3.3.3 Public return parameters (including generics) 3.4 Controller control layer example 4 Things to note when upgrading (Guide to pitfalls) 4.1 Swagger 2 annotation replacement 4.2 […]

Implement OpenAPI for AWS Lambda in Quarkus using API Gateway Integrator

AWS API Gateway integration makes it easy to implement REST APIs using OpenAPI-compliant Lambda Functions. About Open API It is a specification that allows for describing REST APIs in a standard way. The OpenAPI Specification (OAS) defines a programming-language-independent standard interface description for REST APIs. This allows both humans and computers to discover and understand […]

[Super detailed] springboot + springdoc-openapi + knife4j integration case

[Super detailed] springboot + springdoc-openapi + knife4j integration case Develop Paper Introduction to springdoc-openapi The springdoc-openapijava library helps to automatically generate API documentation using spring boot projects. springdoc-openapi works by inspecting the application at runtime to infer API semantics based on spring configuration, class structure and various annotations. Automatically generate documentation for APIs in JSON/YAML […]

knife4j 4.1.0 (OpenAPI3) implements spring security or shiro permission annotation content display

Two days ago, I wrote a knife4j (swagger2) to display spring security or shiro permission annotation content, mainly using knife4j 2.0.5 to realize the extension of permission annotation content display. In Spring Boot 3, only the OpenAPI3 specification is supported, and the state of knife4j is integrated: knife4j-openapi3-jakarta-spring-boot-starter, and if you want to achieve the […]

SpringBoot integrates knfe4j and uses OpenAPI3 specification

Article directory foreword 1. OpenAPI 3 common annotations @Tag @Schema @Content @Hidden @Operation @Parameter @Parameters @RequestBody @ApiResponse 2. Project construction 1. Import library pom.xml 2. Entity class, controller Entity class controller 3. knife4j configuration yml configuration configuration class 3. Summary reference documents Foreword SpringDoc is based on the OpenAPI 3 specification, a tool class for […]

OpenAPI signature verification

Foreword As a back-end development, when providing an API interface or connecting to a third-party API interface, security issues such as anti-scraping and replay of the interface should be considered. Strictly speaking, signature rules agreed by both parties need to be added. General idea Under normal circumstances, there are no rigid rules for signature rules, […]

AI Earth demoPrivilege configuration and openAPI call tool library

Foreword AI earth is a remote sensing cloud computing platform produced by Alibaba Dharma Institute. After a brief experience, it feels like the python version of GEE + remote sensing deep learning computing platform. The overall experience is quite good, especially the multi-classification results are quite amazing. The platform provides two modes: toolbox and notebook. […]