Algorithm Greedy 5 || 435. Non-overlapping intervals 763. Divide letter intervals 56. Merge intervals 738. Monotonically increasing numbers 968. Monitor binary trees

435. No overlapping interval It is very similar to 452. Exploding balloons with the least number of arrows. This question can be sorted on the left or on the right, and the ultimate goal is to make the intervals overlap as much as possible. 1. Sort by right, the right border of the first element […]

GPU Programming CUDA C++ Using Multiple Non-Default CUDA Streams Concurrently Overlapping Kernel Execution and Data Transfer

Explanation of abbreviations: H: Host host D: Device device (GPU) K: Kernel kernel function H2D: Host copies data to GPU KER: kernel function execution D2H: GPU copies data to host Theoretical speedup: Using a default CUDA stream: (time is: 1) Stream 0: H2D —> KER —> D2H Concurrent overlap using four non-default CUDA streams: (Time […]

Use Jetpack Compose Modifier to achieve profile picture overlapping effect

Using Jetpack Compose Modifier to achieve profile picture overlapping effect First come 2 pictures of the effect you want to achieve: I want to display profile pictures in an overlapping manner. It’s not a recent design trend, but it’s still classy in 2023. Main attributes: light blue, image size with margins pink, negative spacing between […]

Say goodbye to overlapping labels! The ggrepel package makes graphics more beautiful!

[Speaking Genes in Brief] Elegantly avoid overlapping text or labels on graphics, you can use the ggrepel package. Displaying text on graphics, or labels (which differ from text in that they have a matrix border around the text) are common needs. When drawing with ggplot2, there is a default geometric object geom_text to add text […]

Chunk Extend and Overlapping

HITCON Training lab13 grxer@grxer ~/D/c/p/heap> checksec heapcreator [*] ‘/home/grxer/Desktop/ctfwiki/pwn/heap/heapcreator’ Arch: amd64-64-little RELRO: Partial RELRO Stack: Canary found NX: NX enabled PIE: No PIE (0x400000) heaparray is an array of global heap structures in the bss segment struct heap {<!– –> size_t size; char *content; }; The content pointer is not zeroed after free There […]

[Solved] The solution to the problem of overlapping inner borders of tables (or other grid layouts)

Questions Implement the table element. When setting the border of the table, it is found that the inner borders overlap, as shown in the following figure: Solution Add border-collapse: collapse to table elements table{<!– –> border-collapse: collapse; } If some small partners may not have problems with table elements, but with grid layouts similar to […]

[Solved] CSS height collapse problem and solution to overlapping margins (clear method)

Height collapse problem What is the height collapse problem? The height collapse problem is often encountered when using float properties. We can use the float property to achieve efficient horizontal layout, but if you write the following code, you will find that there is a problem with the height of box1, because the height of […]

[Solved] [Matplotlib] Too many labels on the x-axis lead to overlapping, omission and dislocation problem solving

Problem description When drawing a data graph with Matplotlib, you need to add labels to the x-axis, but due to the large amount of data (x-axis 30 scales, y-axis 20000), the labels will overlap, and it is completely unclear what is what. As shown in the figure, I looked for a solution to the problem […]