Summary of html image, video, audio and hyperlink tags

Web application course html picture, video audio and hyperlink tag summary Directory Web application course html picture, video audio and hyperlink tag summary Image tag Supported formats: Image loading error occurs some other properties Video audio tag tag tag hyperlink tag Related problem solutions 1. [Web Application Course Summary of HTML Basic Tags and Text […]

redis7 advanced chapter 3 Statistical analysis of billions of data volume (hyperloglog, bitmap, geo)

100 million-level statistical classification 1.1 Statistical classification 1. Aggregation statistics: Statistics of the aggregation results of multiple sets, that is, the statistics of the intersection and difference between multiple sets. 2. Sorting statistics: When it is necessary to display the latest list, leaderboard and other scenarios, if the data is updated frequently or pagination is […]

Design HTML5 lists and hyperlinks

In web pages, most of the information is a list structure, such as menu bar, graphic list, category navigation, news list, column list, etc. HTML5 defines a set of list tags to achieve reasonable layout of web page information through the list structure. In addition, web pages also contain a large number of hyperlinks, through […]

The use and development of Hyperledger Fabric

Hyperledger Fabric is a cross-industry blockchain technology initiated by the Linux Foundation. It is currently used in many large companies. I won’t introduce HF itself here. If you are interested, you can pay attention to its official website. 1. Preparations: Before starting, certain preparations are required, including installing various middleware: If the following problems occur […]

Hyperledger Fabric using CouchDB and complex smart contract development

Foreword In the last experiment, we have implemented a simple smart contract implementation and client development, but the smart contract in this experiment only has basic addition, deletion, modification and query functions, and its data management functions are far from traditional MySQL. Based on the previous experiments, this article will change Hyperledger Fabric’s default database […]

How to properly do stress testing of web applications? The 5 steps of the Byte 8-year test showed me the teacher

Generally speaking, a web application is a website that mainly relies on a browser to access its functions. Then how to do the stress test of the website correctly? When it comes to stress testing, what we think of is server-side stress testing. In fact, this is one-sided. Complete stress testing includes server-side stress testing […]

[Excel Office Automation] How does openpyxl realize the batch setting of Excel hyperlinks?

Python is an efficient programming language that can easily handle various file formats, including Excel. In Excel, hyperlinks are a very useful feature that allow users to quickly jump to specific cells in other worksheets or other files. In this article, we will introduce how to use Python to handle hyperlinks in Excel, and how […]

Perl: Handling of command line arguments

Related reading Perl: Regular Expressions Perl: What are its peculiar autovivafacation properties? Perl: dereferencing related issues with anonymous array nesting Command line parameters are an important medium for the interaction between the shell and perl. This article introduces how to process command line parameters in Perl. First of all, we give all the source programs, […]

The solution of hyperlink click realized by Text of UGUI in Unity

Unity implements hyperlink click Function introduction: C# script: Instructions Screenshot of Demo project Demo address: Function introduction: 1. Multiple clicks of different character areas can be realized in the same Text; 2. Adapted to Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese, Arabic, etc., more languages to be tested; C# script: /********************************************** ********************* ** File name: UIText_Link.cs ** Copyright: […]