[JavaScript 10] comparison operator non-equality operator string non-string primitive type value object strict equality operator strict inequality operator equality operator inequality operator

Comparison operators non-equality operator: string non-equality operator: not-string 1 primitive type value 2 objects strict equality operator 1 different types of values 2 primitive type values of the same class 3 Composite type values 4 undefined and null 5 Strict inequality operators 6 equality operator 7 inequality operator Comparison operators are used to compare the […]

Understanding CAS primitives from the bottom

What are hardware synchronization primitives? Why can hardware synchronization primitives replace locks? To understand this problem, you must first know what hardware synchronization primitives are. Hardware synchronization primitives (Atomic Hardware Primitives) are a set of atomic operations provided by computer hardware. The primitives we commonly use are mainly CAS and FAA. CAS (Compare and Swap), […]

Conversion of primitive types and wrapper types

I found a problem The data of int type is not converted into an array, but the object address is output System.out.println(“test”); int[] x = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}; List listX = Arrays. asList(x); List listX1 = new ArrayList(); listX1. add(1); listX1. add(2); listX1. add(3); listX1. add(4); listX1. add(5); listX.forEach(System.out::print);///Why is there […]

Xilinx primitives – the use of IDDR and ODDR (Ultrascale series)

Xilinx primitives – use of IDDR and ODDR (Ultrascale series) 1. IDDR 1.1 OPPOSITE_EDGE 1.2 SAME_EDGE 1.3 SAME_EDGE_PIPELINED 1.4 The similarities and differences of the three modes 2. ODDR 3. IDDR and ODDR simulation 3.1 IDDR simulation 3.1.1 IDDR top layer 3.1.2 TestBench 3.1.3 Simulation results 3.2 ODDR simulation 3.2.1 ODDR top-level file 3.2.2 TestBench […]

[Development Log] 2023.05 ZENO—-PrimitiveCurvature—-curvature analysis tool—-calculate ridge

(28 messages) LevelSetMethodsandDynamicImplicitSurfaces resource – CSDN library https://download.csdn.net/download/Angelloveyatou/87887176 #include “zeno/zeno.h” #include “zeno/types/PrimitiveObject.h” #include “zeno/types/UserData.h” #include “zeno/types/ListObject.h” #include <vector> #include <Eigen/Core> #include <Eigen/Eigenvalues> #include <igl/point_mesh_squared_distance.h> #include <igl/gaussian_curvature.h> #include <igl/principal_curvature.h> namespace zeno { namespace { // Compute the gradient of the image void computeGradient(std::shared_ptr<PrimitiveObject> & amp; image, std::vector<std::vector<float>> & amp; gradientX, std::vector<std::vector<float>> & amp; gradientY ) { […]

CUDA_Adjust Instruction Level Primitives 2 Standard Functions vs. Intrinsic Functions

Standard and intrinsic functions behave differently in terms of numerical accuracy and performance. Standard functions support most mathematical operations. However, many equivalent intrinsics achieve the same functionality using fewer instructions, improved performance, and less numerical precision. Like this program: #include “freshman.h” #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <cmath> /** * This example demonstrates the relative performance […]