Python-a complete collection of list, primitive, dictionary, and set operations: recommended collection

In-depth article: 5861 words | 10 minutes to read Data structures are basically just that – they are structures that can handle some data. In other words, they are used to store a set of related data. There are four built-in data structures in Python – lists, tuples and dictionaries, and sets. We’ll learn how […]

In-depth analysis of block ram resources and primitive RAMB18E1 inside 7 series FPGA

I am based on my original articles: The first article – Xilinx block memory generator user manual pg058 translation and learning (24), mainly introduces Selectable Memory Algorithm; the second article – Xilinx block memory generator user manual pg058 Translation and Learning (25), mainly introduces Table 3-1: Memory Primitives Used Based on Architecture (Supported in Native […]

OSERDESE2 primitive-parallel-to-serial conversion

1. Data parallel-serial conversion – an OSERDESE The data in the 2-module parallel-to-serial converter receives 2~8 bits from FPGA Parallel data within logical structures (if using OSERDESE2 width extension, then 14 bits), serialize the data, and pass OQ output passes it to IO B . Parallel data is serialized in order from lowest to highest […]

Python coroutine (asyncio) (4) Synchronization primitives

Python Practical Tutorial_spiritx’s Blog-CSDN Blog The asyncio synchronization primitives are designed to be similar to those of the threading module, but with two key caveats: asyncio primitives are not thread-safe, so they should not be used for OS thread synchronization (threading should be used instead); The methods of these synchronization primitives do not accept a […]

Output primitives (4) 8-2 OpenGL point drawing function, OpenGL line drawing function

4.3 OpenGL drawing point function To describe the geometric features of a point, we simply specify a location in the world coordinate system. This coordinate position is then passed to the observation subroutine, along with other geometric descriptions already in the scene. OpenGL primitives are displayed at their default size and color unless other property […]

Go synchronization primitive sync/Once

Basic usage sync.Once Official descriptionOnce is an object that will perform exactly one action, that is, sync.Once is an object that provides a guarantee Each action is executed only once. Where do we need to ensure that an action is only executed once? This reminds us of the initialization of resources, which often uses the […]

10. Concurrency: Hardware synchronization primitives

Table of Contents Concurrency source Adverse effects on the program avoid concurrency Atomic integer operation interface Atomic integer variable ATOMIC_INIT() macro atomic_set() atomic_read() atomic_add()/atomic_sub() atomic_inc() / atomic_dec() Bit atomic operation function set_bit() clear_bit() change_bit() Experimental session dts_led.c file app.c file Makefile Implementation process Concurrency root Multi-thread, multi-process scheduling various interruptions Adverse impact on the program […]