The code is simplified by 10 times, the chain of responsibility model yyds

< strong> Article source < strong> :< /strong>< /strong>< strong> Table of Contents What is chain of responsibility scenes to be used epilogue foreword Recently, I had a member of my team write an import function. He used the chain of responsibility model, which resulted in a lot of code and many bugs. It […]

How to elegantly perform parameter validation by default using chain of responsibility?

Preface Parameter verification in the project is very important, it can protect the security and legality of our application . I think everyone usually does something like this: @Override public void validate(SignUpCommand command) { validateCommand(command); // will throw an exception if command is not valid validateUsername(command.getUsername()); // will throw an exception if username is duplicated […]

Are you still implementing the chain of responsibility yourself? It is recommended to take a look at this open source project before building a wheel

guide Design patterns are widely used in software development. By using design patterns, developers can develop high-quality software systems more efficiently and improve code readability, maintainability, and scalability. The responsibility chain mode is a commonly used design mode, which is implemented in many frameworks such as SpringMVC and Netty. pie is derived from the implementation […]

Chain of Responsibility

alias Chain of Command. Define Chain of Responsibility is a behavioral design pattern that allows you to send requests down a chain of handlers. After receiving a request, each processor can process the request or pass it on to the next processor in the chain. Foreword 1. Question Suppose you are developing an online ordering […]

Apache Chain Chain of Responsibility

1. Core components 1. Context interface Context represents the context of command execution, and realizes the transfer of shared information between commands. The parent interface is Map, which is just a marker interface 2. Command interface The most important interface in the Commons Chain, which represents the command to be executed at a specific step […]

Chain of Responsibility Mode: Build a chain of responsibility to handle different levels of log information

Summary Chain of Responsibility Pattern (Chain of Responsibility Pattern) is a behavioral design pattern that allows you to connect multiple objects into a chain when multiple objects (processors) can receive requests Processing chain, the request is sent along the processing chain. After receiving a request, each processor can process the request or pass it on […]