Build an editor that can view and debug ceph code written in C++ on a server under the loongarch architecture combined with vim and gdb.

Mainly because of Loongson computers… everyone knows about it… In addition, ceph runs on the server and can only be accessed through ssh. It is not easy to debug and read the code. So there is the following tossing If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. 1. […]

12 advanced ways to play the VIM editor

vim is a very useful editor and is widely used. But there are always things you don’t know about vim, and we need to continue to learn. I often use vim, and I often see vim expert users sharing their experiences in major communities and forums. Today we will summarize some of the commonly used […]

The use of Linux tool vim

Table of Contents Overview: 1.vim installation 2. Common modes of vim Precautions 3. vim basic operations 4.vim command set Normal mode command -Switch to insert mode -Move the cursor -Delete text -copy -replace -Undo the last operation -Change -Jump to specified line bottom row mode command – List line numbers -Jump to a certain line […]

c/c++ configuration in Vim (automatic bracket matching, compilation and running, file tree, etc.)

Preparation Install g++/gcc/git/make tools sudo apt-get install g++ gcc cmake git Install Vim sudo apt-get install vim Install Vim plug-in management tool Vundle is a Vim plug-in management tool. After installing Vundle for Vim, you can use Vundle to manage plug-ins for Vim, such as using it to install, update, search, and clean plug-ins for […]

OUC-Introduction to Network Security-lab2-vim

1. Experimental objectives Learn some basic operations of using vim 2. Experimental content &experimental steps 1. Create a directory named vimlab in the current user’s home directory and enter the vimlab directory mkdir ~ /vimlab ? cd ~ .vimlab 2. Create a file test.txt in the vimlab directory touch ~/vimlab/test.txt 3. Please strictly enter the […]

Linux’s powerful development tool vim usage configuration and gcc

Foreword The previous article introduced a lot of instructions and running tests on Linux, including the installation, uninstallation and viewing of yum sources, as well as the understanding of permissions, individuals, organizations, and outsiders, and the classification of U, G, and X files. We can compare these memory and Windows Knowledge points in the operating […]

About vim-YouCompleteMe installation

Prerequisite: Make sure the vim version is 7.4.143 or above and supports python 2/3 scripts. First install YCM through Git clone or plug-install. Step 1: Basic accessories must be installed properly, otherwise you will be in trouble: Accessories for the C++ family: sudo apt-get install llvm clang-3.9 libclang-3.9-dev libboost-all-dev Step 2: We need to find […]

VIMvimrc configuration

scriptencoding utf-8 ” ================================================= =========================== ” Vundle initialization ” Avoid modifying this section, unless you are very sure of what you are doing ” no vi-compatible set nocompatible ” Setting up Vundle – the best vim plugin manager let iCanHazVundle=1 let vundle_readme=expand(‘~/.vim/bundle/vundle/’) if !filereadable(vundle_readme) echo “Installing Vundle…” echo “” silent !mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle silent !git […]