Vue implements leafletMap custom drawing line segment and deletes the specified drawn point

Effect: Click the table to select the map point, click the delete button to delete the corresponding point and redraw the line segment, click the OK button to save the drawn point information to the parent component and the component has realized the echo The complete component code is as follows and the file name […]

SQL injection for JAVA code audit, based on Spring boot, jdbc and mybatis

Directory 1. Create a new spring boot project with sql environment Two, JDBC SQL injection 2.1 java.sql.Statement 2.2 Sample code 2.3 Precompilation Defense and Improper Use 2.4 order by injection 3. SQL injection of Mybatis 3.1 Sample code 3.2 orderby injection 3.3 in injection 3.4 like injection Fourth, SQL injection vulnerability repair 4.1 Whitelist 4.2 […]

git rebase merges multiple commits

During the development process, there are usually countless commits locally, and multiple commits with the same function can be merged to keep the history concise. 01 git rebase command use git rebase –help # Count 3 versions from the HEAD version $ git rebase -i HEAD~3 # Merge the specified version number (not including this […]

(Part 1) Ansible-kubeadm online installation of single masterk8s v1.19-v1.20 version

The KS8 version that ansible can install is as follows: Please follow the content in this blog, and then you can query the version with the following command. [root@k8s-master01 ~]# yum list kubectl –showduplicates | sort -r kubectl.x86_64 1.20.0-0kubernetes kubectl.x86_64 1.20.0-0 @kubernetes kubectl.x86_64 1.19.9-0 kubernetes kubectl.x86_64 1.19.8-0kubernetes kubectl.x86_64 1.19.7-0kubernetes kubectl.x86_64 1.19.6-0kubernetes kubectl.x86_64 1.19.5-0kubernetes kubectl.x86_64 1.19.4-0kubernetes […]

An in-depth interpretation of model evaluation methods

Click “Xiaobai learns vision” above, and choose to add “Star” or “Stick“ Heavy dry goods, delivered in the first time “> We train and learn a good model, and by objectively evaluating the performance of the model, we can make better practical decisions. Model evaluation mainly includes: prediction error, degree of fitting, model stability, etc. […]

“Linux from Qi training to soaring” No.06 Linux project automation build tool make/Makefile [There is a small shop in the cloud] new

Author: Home My column C language from 0 to 1 Explore C++ Data structure from 0 to 1 Explore Linux Rookie Brush Questions Collection Welcome to pay attention:LikeFavoriteLeave a message Code words are not easy. Your likecollectattention is really important to me. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment area. […]

Vue2 Section 10 Built-in directives and custom directives

1. Commands learned before 2. Built-in commands 3. Custom Instructions 1. Commands learned before Command name Usage v-bind A single binding analysis expression can be abbreviated as: xxx v-model Two-way binding v-for traverse array/object/string v-on Binding listener event, can be abbreviated as @ v-if Conditional rendering (dynamically control whether the node exists) v-else Conditional rendering […]