In-depth article [C++] [Container Adapter]: (stack)&&(queue)&&(priority_queue) simulation implementation (detailed analysis of the underlying implementation principle)

In-depth article [C + +] [container adapter]: (stack) & amp; & amp; (queue) & amp; & amp; (priority_queue) simulation implementation (detailed analysis of the underlying implementation principle) Ⅰ. Container Adapter Ⅱ. Understanding deque Ⅲ.stack simulation implementation Ⅳ.queue simulation implementation Ⅴ.priority_queue simulation implementation 1. priority_queue() 2. push() 3. pop() 4. Functors 5. Complete code Ⅰ. Container […]

Five years of python work experience, 8 bad habits I gave up

Today, I want to share with you some valuable insights I’ve gained over the past five years of using Python. 1. Excessive reliance on for sequence For iterating over a collection, the first thing we think of is the for loop. With experience, I realized the power of **”list comprehensions and generator expressions”**. They allow […]

Android time-consuming analysis (adb shell/Studio CPU Profiler/instrumentation Trace API)

1.adb logcat View cold start time and Activity display time: Filter the Displayed keyword to see the display time of the Activity Then the time behind the above display refers to the time of which processes are included? Simulate the operation of sleeping for 1 second in the Application, in the case of cold start: […]

Secure Boot (1) Enable Secure Boot on MDM9x45, MDM9x50, SDX12, SDX20 and SDX50M

Directory write in front 1. Secure Boot Overview 2. Enable Secure Boot 2.1 Generate secure boot keys 2.2 Generate key pairs and certificates 2.3Configure XML files in Sectools 2.4 Configure PK hash in fuse 2.5 Generate sec.mbn image 2.6 Sign the images 2.7 Flash signed image on device Write in front Secure Boot (1) mainly […]

ffmpeg rtsp to flv mount to web (Linux version)

ffmpeg rtsp to flv mount to web (Linux version) Download ffmpeg unzip directory Linux install nginx integrated nginx-http-flv-module Linux installation nginx operating environment Install the gcc-c++ compiler yum install gcc-c++ yum install -y openssl openssl-devel Install pcre, zlib package yum install -y pcre pcre-devel yum install -y zlib zlib-devel Download and install nginx and nginx-http-flv-module […]

Flying angel-php disables webshell and detects whether the loading is successful

PHP detects whether there is a plug-in loaded <?php header(“content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8”); header(“Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate”); header(“Pragma: no-cache”); error_reporting(0); ob_end_flush(); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “”> <html xmlns=””> <head> <meta http-equiv=”Pragma” content=”No-cache” /> <meta http-equiv=”Expires” content=”0″ /> <meta http-equiv=”cache-control” content=”private” /> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ />//Add this sentence to see if it can […]

socket, serversocket, websocket

1. Socket class Socket allows an application to read and write data from the network, and two applications on different computers can send and receive byte streams over the connection. When sending a message, you need to know the other party’s ip and port. In java, socket refers to the class. In, you […]

Use of WebSocketServer (@ServerEndpoint)

Front-end code function initWebSocket() {<!– –> if (typeof WebSocket == “undefined”) {<!– –> console.log(“Your browser does not support WebSocket”); } else {<!– –> console.log(“Your browser supports WebSocket”); //Implement the WebSocket object, specify the address and port of the server to connect to establish a connection //Equivalent to socket = new WebSocket(“ws://localhost:8083/checkcentersys/websocket/20”); var wsPathStr = wsPath […]