NeurIPS 2023 | Up! FreeMask: Improving segmentation model performance with densely annotated synthetic images

Click the Card below and follow the “CVer” public account AI/CV heavy-duty information, delivered as soon as possible Click to enter->[Image Segmentation and Transformer] Communication Group Author: LeolhYang (Source: Zhihu, authorized) | Editor: CVer Reply in the background of CVer WeChat public account: FreeMask, you can download the pdf and code of this paper […]

Linux perf(8)annotate annotation

Linux perf(8)annotate annotation Author: Onceday Date: October 12, 2023 The long road has just begun… Please check the column for the full series of articles: Perf performance analysis_Once_day’s blog-CSDN blog. Note: The content of this document uses answers generated by GPT4.0, and there may be problems with the accuracy of some text. Reference documents: Tutorial […]

Yolov5 automatically annotates and selects test samples with low confidence to join training

Article directory Yolov5 automatically annotates and selects test samples with low confidence to join training yolov5 automatically annotates and selects test samples with low confidence to join training #Import required libraries import os importsys from pathlib import Path import numpy as np import cv2 import torch import torch.backends.cudnn as cudnn from tqdm import tqdm import […]

Construction of a fully annotated SSM framework based on web applications (abandoning web.xml)

Although the traditional ssm framework is used less now, it is still very good as a foundation for subsequent spring boot framework learning in the learning process. Generally, it is more troublesome to build using configuration files. So next, I will introduce it to you. Let’s take a relatively simple way to build the full […]

How to use labelme annotated data to train a segmentation model–pidnet

How to use labelme-annotated data to train a segmentation model–pidnet 1. Data annotation and conversion (goal: convert to cityspace data format) 1.1. Data annotation 1.2. Data conversion 2. Pidnet model training 2.1 Source code download 2.2 Environment installation 2.3 Modify configuration file 3. Model training 4. Model transformation 1. Data annotation and conversion (goal: convert […]

SpringBoot asynchronous methods support annotated @Async applications

SpringBoot asynchronous methods support annotation @Async applications 1. Why do we need asynchronous methods? Reasonable use of asynchronous methods can effectively improve execution efficiency Synchronous execution (in the same thread): Asynchronous execution (start additional threads for execution): 2. Asynchronous method support in SpringBoot In SpringBoot, we do not need to create and maintain threads or […]

Annotated version of focal loss of retinanet

It mainly writes about how to specifically calculate positive and negative samples for focal loss and how to use iou loss. class FocalLoss(nn.Module): #def __init__(self): def forward(self, classifications, regressions, anchors, annotations): alpha = 0.25 gamma = 2.0 batch_size = classifications.shape[0] classification_losses = [] regression_losses = [] # The anchors for different batches are the same […]

Spring fully annotated instantiated Bean—–Spring framework

package cn.powernode.service; import cn.powernode.dao.StudentDao; import cn.powernode.dao.impl.StudentDaoImplForMySQL; import jakarta.annotation.Resource; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; @Service(“studentService”) public class StudentService { // @Resource(name = “studentDaoImplForMySQL”) private StudentDao studentDao; // @Resource(name = “studentDaoImplForMySQL”) public void setStudentDao(StudentDao studentDao) { this.studentDao = studentDao; } //Cannot appear in the constructor, can only appear in the attributes of the method on the […]

The process of using sphinx combined with gpt to annotate python source code to generate documents

Article directory install sphinx build documentation write docstring Install sphinx The installation process is very simple: pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme Build documentation Then we open a typical python project folder, its format is as follows: PyProject/ ├── ├── requirements.txt ├── ├──.gitignore ├── src/ │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── │ […]