Javascript uses canvas to draw curves, arrows, etc. between two points

Javascript uses canvas to draw curves and rectangles between two points, and draw text in the rectangle to achieve center alignment and arrow drawing. The effect is as shown below: 1. HTML, the code is as follows <canvas id=”canvas” width=”1000″ height=”600″></canvas> 2. The css code is as follows: canvas {<!– –> display: block; width: 1000px; […]

vue3 canvas verification code and slider puzzle verification

Human-computer authentication Adding human-machine authentication in some resource downloading and reading scenarios can prevent some simple network attacks. Only two native implementations are introduced. canvas verification code Draw specific text through canvas and mix it with lines and colors. Rendering: verify.js // verify.js function GVerify (options) {<!– –> // Create a graphic verification code object […]

A guide on how to create interactive and animated graphics with HTML5 Canvas and JavaScript

Article directory Preface Effect demonstration Code explanation Complete code end Foreword This article explains how to create an interactive bubble effect using HTML5’s Canvas and JavaScript. By moving with the mouse or touch, you can create flowing bubble trajectories on the canvas. This effect takes advantage of the spring effect between points, allowing the bubbles […]

Canvas generates posters and dynamically calculates the size of the image to adapt to the height of the poster.

1.js code // pages/nav/nav.js Page({ /** * Initial data of the page */ data: { nav: [‘All’, ‘Fruits and Vegetables’, ‘Home Appliances’, ‘Books’, ‘Daily Necessities’, ‘Test’, ‘Stand Test’, ‘ Still a test’], // current project current: 2, //Scroll bar scroll distance scrollLeft: 0, // Window width windowWidth: 0, canvasImg: ”, share: false, //Whether to share […]

[uni-app] canvas draws circle progress bar

Article directory need Reference link Handling basic issues 1:Canvas rotation problem 2: Note that the starting position of arc() is the 3 o’clock direction 3: If you draw a circle of 1.9*Matn.PI, do you need to ensure that the actual position is in the 0-point direction? 4: How to draw small line segments and how […]

A component that encapsulates the canvas selection area

Hello everyone, I am Nangong. I have just completed the encapsulation of a canvas-related component recently. Personally, I am actually very afraid of canvas and maps. I feel that there are very complicated operations here and I can’t understand them. So after the encapsulation was completed this time, I decided to write a blog to […]

Matplotlib_plotting canvas configuration

Table of Contents Canvas configuration plt.figure() figsize: canvas size, width and height dpi: resolution, pixel density facecolor: background color Draw multiple images on one canvas Multi-picture layout Evenly distributed subplot() function: Graphic nesting add_subplot() function ?Edit using axes() function Use the add axes() function Dual axis display Canvas Configuration plt.figure() figsize: canvas size, width and […]

Use html2canvas to convert html to pdf. Due to the horizontal and vertical scroll bars of the table, the display is incomplete (or there are blank spaces)

result: Business: Print the table on the right side of the page into a pdf in the desired format. The first problem encountered is that the table has scroll wheels on the top, bottom, left and right, and html2canvas is equivalent to a screenshot. How to display the scroll area is a problem? The gif […]

html2canvas realizes web page screenshots

<template> <div class=”body”> <div class=”draggable-button” :style=”{ top: top + ‘px’, left: left + ‘px’ }” @mousedown=”startDrag” @touchstart=”startDrag” @mousemove=”moveDrag” @touchmove=”moveDrag” @mouseup=”stopDrag” @touchend=”stopDrag” @click=”handleClick” > <slot><van-icon name=”debit-pay” /></slot> </div> <div class=”top”></div> <div class=”middle” ref=”captureElement”> <div class=”company-logo”> <div class=”logo”> <img src=”../../assets/logo.png” /> </div> </div> <div class=”main-content”> <div class=”main-top”> <div class=”card-header”> <div class=”card-name”> <van-popover v-model=”showPopover1″ trigger=”click” :offset=”[0, 8]” > […]