Event-driven architecture: How to implement event-driven local messaging services in your application

Table of contents Event-driven architecture: How to implement event-driven local messaging services in your applications 1 Introduction 2. Technical principles and concepts 2.1. Explanation of basic concepts 2.2. Introduction to technical principles: algorithm principles, operating steps, mathematical formulas, etc. 3. Implementation steps and processes 3.1. Preparation: environment configuration and dependency installation 3.2. Core module implementation […]

Netty asynchronous, event-driven network application framework and tools

Netty is a Java open source framework provided by JBOSS. Netty provides an asynchronous, event-driven network application framework and tools to quickly develop high-performance, high-reliability network server and client programs. netty—ByteBuf comment translation /**<br> * ByteBuf is a sequence of bytes with continuous random access and is the top-level abstraction of the original byte array […]

How to build an event-driven architecture with Kafka

Event-driven architecture (EDA) is a software design pattern that focuses on the generation, detection, and consumption of events to support efficient and scalable systems. In EDA, events are the primary means of communication between components, allowing them to interact and respond to changes in real time. This architecture promotes loose coupling, scalability, and responsiveness, making […]

[C++] Open source: event-driven network library libevent configuration and use

,°:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:.° This article mainly introduces the configuration and use of the event-driven library libevent. You can’t succeed without specialization, and you can’t pass without dabbling. –Liang Qichao Welcome to my blog, let’s learn together and make progress together. Friends who like it can pay attention, the next update will not get lost Article directory :smirk:1. […]

Spring/SpringBoot-oriented event-driven programming

Spring/SpringBoot-oriented event-driven programming The event monitoring mechanism can be understood as an observer mode, with data publishers (event sources) and data receivers (listeners); In Java, event objects inherit java.util.EventObject objects, and event listeners are java.util.EventListener instances; The EventObject object does not provide a default constructor, and needs to pass the source parameter externally, which is […]

[High concurrent network communication architecture] 4. Efficient event-driven model: Reactor model

Directory 1. Previous articles 2. Basic concepts 1 Introduction 2. Basic framework 3. Core features 4. Workflow 5. Use “network communication” to understand the Reactor model Three, code implementation 1. Use epoll for multiplexing to realize the operation process of Reactor mode 2. Reactor mode implementation code (reference) One, previous articles [High concurrent network communication […]

[Netty implements an asynchronous, event-driven model]

Directory Netty introduction: Netty-based asynchronous, event-driven model Explanation of the code implementation logic of Netty’s advanced features: NettyServerHandler business processing simple implementation: rely: Netty API: Process explanation: The method in NettyServerHandler above is triggered by Netty’s event loop (EventLoop). Netty’s event loop (EventLoop) is implemented through NIO Selector. Introduction to Netty: Netty is a Java […]

Apache RocketMQ EventBridge: Building a Next-Generation Event-Driven Engine

Preface Event-driven, the term is in some people’s minds, it is an outdated technology-nothing new. In terms of time, this is indeed the case. In the 1960s, event-driven has been formally proposed and is often applied in GUI programming. But in some people’s minds, event-driven is a very strange and very novel technology. In any […]

Experiment 6: Event-driven programming based on

1. The purpose of the experiment Understand Windows application event-driven programming methods. Master event programming methods, including event declaration, subscription and reference. Second, experiment content 1. Design a Windows application program to simulate the decompression treatment of high-temperature and high-pressure boilers. The running effect is shown in the figure below: To show as follows: After […]

Apache RocketMQ EventBridge: Building a Next-Generation Event-Driven Engine

Author: Shen Lin Foreword Event-driven, the term is in some people’s minds, it is an outdated technology-nothing new. In terms of time, this is indeed the case. In the 1960s, event-driven has been formally proposed, and it is often used in GUI programming. But in some people’s minds, event-driven is a very strange and very […]