Export using easyExcel in springBoot

pom dependency <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> <artifactId>easyexcel</artifactId> <version>3.3.2</version> </dependency> Controller layer //The method return value is void when exported @PostMapping(“/exportQAData”) public void exportQAData(String startDate, String endDate, HttpServletResponse response) {<!– –> qADataManageService.exportQAData(response, startDate,endDate); } Service layer @Component @Slf4j public class QADataManageService implements FileExportService<QADataManageVo> {<!– –> /** * Declare and obtain dao layer instance */ @Autowired private QADataManageDao qADataManageDao; […]

[Soul torture: Is reading excel test data really slow?

When implementing automated testing, we often use data drive. Therefore, we often save the test data separately in a file in a specific format, and then read the file to drive the automated test code. This article will compare the three mainstream file formats: Excel, CSV and YAML to see which one is better. PrefacePreface […]

Not enough samples? Sample generation: An improved algorithm for GAN generation adversarial network-Wasserstein-GAN (WGAN). The data is imported from Excel and run directly!

Applicable platforms: Matlab 2020 and above? GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) is a generative model whose working principle can be explained in the following simple way: Generator (Generator):A generator is a network whose task is to accept a random noise signal (usually a random vector) as input, Then try to generate new data samples that are […]

easyexcel parses Excel tables with large amounts of data

Problem description: The project needs to import 100,000-level excel data. When I first started writing, I didn’t consider that the amount of data would be so large. As a result, the application easily reported a memory overflow when importing data. Cause analysis The import requires a collection to store the values of Excel rows and […]

Soul torture: Is reading excel test data really slow?

When implementing automated testing, we often use data-driven testing. Therefore, we often save the test data separately in a file in a specific format, and then read the file to drive the automated test code. This article will compare the three mainstream file formats: Excel, CSV and YAML to see which one is better. PrefaceForeword […]

JAVA parsing EXCEL (JExcelAPI, POI, EasyExcel)

Foreword Article directory Preface JExcelAPI Demo POI HSSFWorkBook XSSFWorkBook Demo SXSSFWorkBook Demo XSSFReader Demo EasyExcel Demo Demo code: https://github.com/RwTo/excel-demo There are generally three ways to parse Excel in JAVA JExcelAPIPOIEasyExcel JExcelAPI Official website: https://jexcelapi.sourceforge.net/ Only supports the 2003 version of Excel, that is, files with the suffix xls Adopts a stream processing model to read […]

Qt uses QAxObject to write to Excel tables for color filling, merging cells, multi-line writing, etc.

Qt uses QAxObject to write to Excel tables, including color filling, merging cells, multi-line writing, etc. QAxObject can call various functions or events in the Excel table to control reading and writing Excel tables. All interfaces in the Excel table can be viewed in the official documentation. Source code can be seen at the end. […]

[Practical] EasyExcel uses interceptors to set cell drop-downs (using excel formulas)

1. Brief introduction During the system development process, we will encounter various export and import requirements. EasyExcel is currently a popular export and import framework in addition to POI. The advantages and disadvantages of EasyExcel and POI will not be introduced here. The main introduction is The following is a demand scenario: the attribute value […]

Excellent solution for Android title bar (TitleBar)

Title bar frame Project address: Github Blog address: Android title bar (TitleBar) excellent solution If you want to understand the implementation principle, you can refer to the article: Create a universal title bar TitleBar purely by hand Integration steps If your project Gradle configuration is below 7.0, you need to add it to the build.gradle […]