win32 – use GDI+ to play gif pictures

I encountered such a problem when I was doing a case today, so I recorded it. Codeproject has a similar case, but it is compiled using the MFC template. Because we only need win32 programs, so…. the code is as follows: CodeProject: Play GIF using GDI+ The other is implemented using double buffering, I have […]

Spannable cooperates with AnimationDrawable to display Gif pictures in TextView

Explanation of the spicy principle, anyway, everyone doesn’t like to read it, so I directly uploaded the code If it looks like this, the two pictures below are gifs that will move. package com.example.myapplication; import android. content. Context; import; import; import; import; import; public class GifDrawable extends AnimationDrawable { private […]

Use JSON.stringify sparingly

Use JSON.stringify with caution In order to avoid data source pollution caused by the object being a reference type, we usually use JSON.stringify to convert it into a string, and then pass the JSON.parse method to convert the string Transform a new object to perform a deep copy. But there will be some problems in […]

Exploring modern image formats: From GIF to HEIF, a list of advantages and applicable scenarios

Dachang learning materials This is the study material I compiled, very systematic and complete, welcome to study together Modern JavaScript Advanced Booklet Dart in simple terms Modern TypeScript Advanced Booklet linwu’s algorithm notes Introduction Recently, I saw a lot of moving picture avatars in the Nuggets, but they were all distorted. I was curious and […]

Android Glide loads small gifs and pictures are blurry

In fact, Glide loading can still load small pictures very clearly. Can be converted to Bitmap by Glide Use Drawable to set setFilterBitmap to true But this thing can’t solve GIF. In the case where the library is not found: I directly customize the view pass pl.droidsonroids.gif:android-gif-drawable Get the time interval and parse the gif […]

.NetCore screen recording to generate Gif animation program (Form) development process [code has been uploaded to GitCode]

.NetCore screen recording to generate Gif animation program (Form) development process Foreword: Development environment: .NetCore3.1 GitCode Address: Roman Sultan Muhammad / RecordDesktopGif · GitCode FrameWork version address: not yet synchronized function Functionalization Select a rectangular area of the screen to record and generate a Gif animation according to the set parameters One, intercept multiple pictures […]

Practical skills of Unity3D – easy to master the generation and playback of Gif dynamic graphs

Part 1: Recording 1. Master the quick generation of Gif animations. In fact, there are many ways, and the editor will directly introduce the commonly used methods here. Method 1: 1. We know that Unity3D comes with the Unity Recorder plug-in for recording screens, which includes the function of generating gif images. Window->Package Manager directly […]