Java uses the com.jacob package and runs normally in the Windows 10 development environment, but throws an exception in Windows server 2008.

Java uses the com.jacob package and runs normally in the Windows 10 development environment, but throws an exception in Windows server 2008. Invoke of: AudioOutputStream Source: Description: Invoke of: AudioOutputStream Source: Description: at Method) at at at at net.bjnblh.dc.textToSpeech.service.MSTTSSpeech.saveToWav( at net.bjnblh.dc.textToSpeech.service.impl.NoteReadingServiceImpl.makeWavAndReturnUrl( at net.bjnblh.dc.textToSpeech.service.impl.NoteReadingServiceImpl.docToHtml( at net.bjnblh.dc.textToSpeech.service.impl.NoteReadingServiceImpl$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$9c509776.invoke(<generated>) at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invoke( at org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$CglibMethodInvocation.invokeJoinpoint( […]

MPI jacobi iterator (c++ version)

Original link Two-hour introduction to MPI and parallel computing (5): Peer-to-peer mode (parallel computing to achieve Jacobi iteration) – Zhihu Because the original text only has Fortran, and the code in the comment link does not consider that C++ is the row major storage format, the corresponding C++ code is provided here. The corresponding 2D […]

Solve linear equations using Python to implement iterative methods (Jacobi iteration, Gauss-Seidel iteration, relaxation iteration)

1. Jacobi iteration The Jacobi iteration method is an iterative algorithm for solving systems of linear equations. It belongs to the direct iteration method among the iterative methods, and it approximates the solution of the linear equation system by continuously updating the solution vector iteratively. The basic concepts of Jacobi iteration method are as follows: […]

Text-to-speech reporting module (2): JACOB voice module

1. Business scenario Following the requirements mentioned in the previous article “Text-to-speech Reporting Module (1): Alibaba Cloud nls service usage example”, the author also tried to use JACOB technical solution to achieve voice interaction. 2. JACOB JACOB is a technology used for interaction between Java and COM. It allows Java programs to call functions provided […]

Jacobi Jacobi algorithm to calculate eigenvectors – the simplest in the whole network

Table of Contents 1. Algorithm principle 2. Algorithm implementation 3. Algorithm principle 1. Algorithm principle Algorithms involve data: Matrix V: Stores eigenvectors. Matrix A: Represents a real symmetric matrix that requires eigenvectors. Algorithm process: (1) Initialize V as a diagonal matrix, that is, the elements of the main diagonal are 1, and the other elements […]

Jacob Freemarker export word document

Remember the process of jacob + freemarker exporting a word document 1. Create a freemarker template file 2. Use of Freemarker 3. Jacob uses 3.1, found the problem 3.2. Check the cause 3.3, solve the problem using jacob 3.3.1. Preliminary preparation step 1 step 2 step 3 Things that jacob needs to pay attention to: […]

music algorithm and parallel Jacobian (Jacobian) decomposition

This article is transferred from Zhihu “Shan Qiongxin” article “1 Spatial Spectrum Estimation and Direction Finding”, the original link: Feeling that there are few direction finding documents and actual simulations, I will summarize the DOA estimation problem based on MUSIC. (Writing the formula is too strenuous, just take a screenshot~) Spatial Spectrum Estimation Direction […]

an Order of a sweep of parallel two-side Jacobi method evd

evd or svd a symmetric matrix A(nxn), m = (n + 1)/2; In a sweep, there are 2m-1 parallel orthogonal transformations; m elements in upper triangle, is eliminated to be zero in each orthogonal transformation; // Ordering_twoside_Jacobi_method.cpp // ordering_evd_Parallel_Jacobi_method.cpp // #include <iostream> int main() { int n = 16; int m = (n + 1) […]

Hermite matrix, jacobi methods

Computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors of complex matrices Hari step1, find p,q step2, calculate S + and S- = conj(S + ) step3, combine the calculation matrix: | c -S + | * | Aii Aij | | c -S + | | S-c | | Aji Ajj | | S-c | = | c S […]