2023 MathorCup Mathematical Modeling Big Data Competition (Question A) | Pothole road detection and identification based on computer vision | Modeling secrets & article code ideas

Clang! Here comes the little secret! I hope everyone can easily model with little secrets, and the mathorcup competition will continue to help everyone relax their mind~ Grab the little secrets and let’s go~ Let’s take a look at Question A of the MathorCup Mathematical Modeling Big Data Competition Get the full version at the […]

From Fibonacci Sequence to Tower of Hanoi: Recursive Thoughts in Programming Python Learning Mathematics

The idea of recursion in programming refers to a method of solving problems that uses functions to call their own characteristics and decompose a complex problem into smaller sub-problems until the sub-problems can be solved directly. The advantage of recursion is that it can make the code concise and clear, and it is suitable for […]

Weekly competition 368 (simulation, suffix decomposition, enumeration + mathematics, preprocessing + partitioned DP)

Article directory Weekly competition 368 [100106. Elements and Minimum Mountain Triplets I](https://leetcode.cn/problems/minimum-sum-of-mountain-triplets-i/) simulation [100114. Elements and Minimum Mountain Triplets II](https://leetcode.cn/problems/minimum-sum-of-mountain-triplets-ii/) prefix and suffix decomposition [100097. Minimum number of groups to create a valid assignment](https://leetcode.cn/problems/minimum-number-of-groups-to-create-a-valid-assignment/) Enumeration + brain twister [6920. Get the minimum number of modifications to K semi-palindromes](https://leetcode.cn/problems/minimum-changes-to-make-k-semi-palindromes/) Preprocessing + Partitioned DP Weekly Competition 368 […]

Java number processing class–Math class–big number operations

Operation classes for large numbers in Java: java.math.BigInteger java.math.BigDecimal 1.BigInteger class The maximum value of Int is 2^31-1. If you want to handle larger numbers, you must use BigInteger. The BigInteger class provides addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, absolute value, opposite number, greatest common divisor, and judgment. For prime numbers and other methods. Using the BigInteger […]

[Mathematical knowledge] 02: Euler function

OVREVIEW Euler function 1. Euler function 2.AcWing873. Euler function 3.AcWing874. Find Euler function by sieve method Eulerian function 1. Euler function Euler function definition: the number of numbers from 1 to n that are relatively prime to n, for example φ ( 6 ) = 2 φ(6) = 2 φ(6)=2 if N = p 1 […]

JAVA random class Math tool class

package ne; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import static java.lang.Math.*; public class c2 { public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { // System.out.printf(“”); // int sun = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < 100; i + + ) { // sun + = i; […]

Optimization modeling ideas and sample code for the “deoxidation alloying” batching plan for molten steel in Question D of the 2019 MathorCup College Mathematical Modeling Challenge

One topic Deoxidation and alloying during the steelmaking process is an important process step in steel smelting. For different steel types, different amounts and types of alloys need to be added at the end of smelting to ensure that the alloy elements contained in them meet the standards, and ultimately the finished steel meets specific […]

[C/C++ Data Structure] In-depth exploration of algorithm complexity in data structures: from the perspective of C++ and mathematics

Directory title 1. Introduction 1.1 Importance of Data Structures and Algorithms (Importance of Data Structures and Algorithms) 1.2 Why Understanding Algorithm Complexity is Crucial 2. Basic Concepts 2.1 Time Complexity and Space Complexity (Time Complexity and Space Complexity) 2.2 Big O Notation (Big O Notation) 2.2.1 Common time complexity 3. Data Structures and Their Complexities […]