Paging and dynamic sorting of List through Stream

Article directory Paging and dynamic sorting of List through Stream Maven dependencies used ListUtil code test test code result Paging and dynamically sorting List through Stream During development, some scenarios require paging or sorting data according to a certain field. This can usually be done in the database. However, business requirements often require more business […]

mybarisplus plug-in (paging and optimistic locking)

Article directory 1. Pagination plug-in 2. Customized paging 3. Optimistic locking 3.1 Scenario 3.2 Optimistic locking and pessimistic locking 3.3 Simulate modification conflicts 3.4 Optimistic locking solves problems 1. Pagination plug-in MyBatis Plus comes with a paging plug-in, which can realize the paging function with simple configuration. Add configuration class MyBatisPlusConfig @Configuration @MapperScan(“com.atguigu.mybatisplus.mapper”) public class […]

Front-end and back-end separation project (6): Data paging query (front-end view)

High-quality resource sharing Python practical WeChat ordering applet Advanced level This course is the perfect combination of python flask + WeChat applet , from project construction to Tencent Cloud deployment and launch, create a full-stack food ordering system. Practical Python quantitative trading Entry-level Take you step-by-step to build an easy-to-expand, safer, and more efficient Quantitative […]

Mybatisplus source code analysis – paging plug-in

Paging function implementation The custom Mapper interface inherits from BaseMapper. In this way, when paging, you only need to call the selectPage() function of the BaseMapper interface. The sample code is as follows: // Custom Mapper interface, inherited from BaseMapper<> interface public interface ProdValuationMapper extends BaseMapper<ProdValuation> { List<ProdValuationIndicatorDTO> getProdValuationIndicators(@Param(“query”) ProductValuationQuery query); } The code for […]

vue3 implements a scrolling paging loading waterfall flow list

Project framework: vue3 + JS + vite Waterfall framework: vue-waterfall-next Asked chatGPT about useful waterfall flow plug-ins for vue3, and the answer was as follows: For Vue 3, there are a few waterfall plugins available. The following are several commonly used Vue 3 waterfall plug-ins: vue-waterfall-next: This is a waterfall flow plug-in based on Vue […]

vue3+elementui plus implements the addition and modification of multi-select paging lists

vue3 + elementui plus implements the addition and modification of multi-select paging lists The business needs to realize such a requirement, which requires that a pop-up box be opened when adding a tag (the pop-up box is as shown below). Normally, the list is displayed on one page and multiple selections are made. This is […]

Caching and paging operations are used in redis

Operation: Springboot+mp+redis // student table id sname cid //Class table cid cname Cache annotations are generally in the service layer Query all classes and all information in the class and cache it in rdis (no pagination required) Stream stream obtains the data on the second page (there are 2 pieces of data on each page) […]

Custom paging and combined search components in django

Table of Contents 1. Pagination component 2. Combined search components 1. Paging component example “”” v1 version In the view function: def customer_list(request): # All data queryset = models.Customer.objects.filter(active=1).select_related(‘level’) pager = Pagination(request, queryset) context = { “queryset”: queryset[pager.start:pager.end], “pager_string”: obj.html() } return render(request, ‘customer_list.html’, context) On the page: {% for row in queryset %} {<!– […]