Handwritten redux connect method, using subscribe to get the latest data

1. Public method files 1. connect file import React, { useState } from “react”; import MyContext from “./MyContext”; import _ from “lodash”; // Simulate the connect high-order function of react-redux const connect = (mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) => { return (Component) => props => wrapper(Component, {mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, …props}); }; const wrapper = (Comp, props) => { const […]

Briefly describe the main functions of javascript, briefly describe the main features of javascript

This article mainly introduces and briefly explains the main functions of javascript, which has certain reference value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope you will gain a lot after reading this article. Let the editor take you to understand it together. Introduction to java Introduction to JavaScript JavaScript is one of the […]

SpringBoot+Redis publish-subscribe mode encapsulates custom annotations for logs between microservices

Scene: In projects, system operation records are usually saved as logs in order to record user operation behaviors and analyze system problems when system failures occur. In order to maintain the low intrusion of code and the standardization of log data between microservices, You can use custom log annotations to achieve the above purpose, and […]

OpenCV-(what you are looking for) circumscribed circle and circumscribed rectangle

Table of Contents Introduction Code circumscribed circle external matrix Introduction In computer vision and image processing, the purpose of drawing using circumscribed circles and bounding rectangles is to perform bounding box marking of specific objects or areas, making it easier to identify, track, or measure those objects. These circumscribed shapes not only provide important positioning […]

Use the SpringBoot project to connect mqtt to implement message processing between publishers and subscribers

Build MQTT server and client (Windows): https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_42113716/article/details/133821761?csdn_share_tail={“type”:”blog”,”rType”:”article”,” rId”:”133821761″,”source”:”weixin_42113716″} Project structure: 1. The first step is to add the pom package: <!–mqtt–> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-starter-integration</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.integration</groupId> <artifactId>spring-integration-stream</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.integration</groupId> <artifactId>spring-integration-mqtt</artifactId> </dependency> 2. In the second step, add the yml file as follows: server: port: 9999 spring: mqtt: username: admin # Username password: admin_public […]

Pulsar custom creation publish and subscribe topic permission plug-in development

Pulsar custom creation of publish and subscribe topic permission plug-in development pulsar custom authentication plug-in development Deploy Pulsar on a Linux MacBook standalone and turn on the authentication function Pulsar cluster construction_Personal test successful The permissions of pulsar are divided into two parts: 1 Permissions for authentication when the client connects (explained in the previous […]

The turtle in ros makes a circular motion and subscribes to the turtle’s position information

一.Based on the turtle display node, through topic publishing and coding, the small turtle can be controlled to make circular motion Open Terminal 1 and enter the workspace ros_ws cd ros_ws Start the node (ros server) roscore Open a new terminal2, start the turtle node (turtlesim) rosrun turtlesim turtlesim_node Open Terminal 3 and check the […]

Briefly describe the characteristics of the JavaScript language. What are the characteristics of the JavaScript language?

Hello everyone, the editor is here to answer the following questions for you, what are the components of the JavaScript language, and briefly describe the characteristics of the JavaScript language. Let us take a look today! Table of Contents Introduction to JavaScript 1.1 JavaScript composition 1.1.1 ECMAScript 1.1.2 Document Object Model DOM 1.2.3 Browser Object […]