springmvc-JSR303 performs server-side verification & group verification & SpringMVC defines Restfull interface & exception handling process & RestController exception handling

Table of Contents & 1.JSR303 2. Annotations contained in JSR303 3. Use JSR303 for server-side verification in spring 3.1 Import dependency packages 3.2 Add verification rules 3.3 Perform verification 4. Group verification 4.1 Define group verification rules 4.2 Specify verification rules through parameters during verification 4.3 Display of verification information 5. SpringMVC defines Restfull interface […]

Web – Server-side programming with NodeJS

Client/Server Architecture Before looking at HTTP, we will briefly introduce the properties of the environment in which they operate. This is often called a client/server environment. A simple client/server system has one or more client processes and a server process, as shown in the following figure: Although this seems simple, there are several properties that […]

Servlet: Java server-side small application_MVC layered development_Request forwarding and redirection_Cookie_HttpSessioin_Annotation-based development of Servlet

1. MVC layered development 1. Concept M: Model model (service + dao + pojo). V: View (HTML page + JSP page). C: Controller (Servlet). 2. Function Develop the code in layers according to different functions (stratification is different packages). 3.Features Reduce code redundancy and improve code reusability. Improved code readability. Facilitates later maintenance and upgrades. […]

Server-side DEMO example developed by Open62541 MFC

Based on the Open62541 OPC UA protocol, the Open62541 version is v1.3.6. Server entry header file OPCUA_Server.h: #pragma once #ifndef __AFXWIN_H__ #error “Include ‘pch.h’ before including this file to generate PCH” #endif #include “resource.h” // Main symbol #include <open62541.h> class COPCUAserverApp : public CWinApp { public: COPCUAserverApp(); virtual ~COPCUAserverApp(); // Rewrite public: virtual BOOL InitInstance(); […]

Java server-side applet_inheritance structure_life cycle_request object_response object

1. Tips for restarting the service 1.update resources: changed resources, indicating that static resources, such as HTML, have been modified. css etc. 2.update classes and resources: Modification of classes will not take effect and is not recommended. 3.Redeploy: Not familiar with it. It is suitable for modifying the code. You can redeploy the project to […]

Servlet: Java server-side small application

1. Quick introduction to JavaEE development 1.What is JavaEE JavaEE (Java Enterprise Edition), Java Enterprise Edition, is a platform for enterprise-level web development (without using a console). Standardizes the technical standards for Kafa enterprise-level web applications. , The JavaEE platform contains a total of 13 technical specifications (the number of technical points included will increase […]

redis || server-side optimization

Persistence configuration Although Redis’s persistence can ensure data security, it also brings a lot of additional overhead. Therefore please follow the following suggestions for persistence: — Try not to enable the persistence function on Redis instances used for caching. — It is recommended to turn off the RDB persistence function and use AOF persistence — […]

Writing GraphQL server-side Resolver functions Creating Resolver Functions for Query Types

Author: Zen and the Art of Computer Programming 1. Introduction The Query type is a data type in GraphQL, which is mainly used to return the data required for the query to the user. In practical applications, the client can send a query request to the server and obtain the corresponding data results. Different from […]

[Linux Network Programming] Analyzing server-side code

1. Preface Today I mainly record the process of reading documents and parsing server-side code. Functions you don’t understand in Linux can be used directly man + function You can view relevant documents. Let’s start with the code. Two, code #include <cstdio> #include <unistd.h> #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/socket.h> #include<arpa/inet.h> #include<string.h> int main() { char buffer[50] = { […]