Element-ui time picker shortcut key selection settings

1. Display the picture 2. Upload the code pickerOptions: { shortcuts: [ { text: “Today”, onClick(picker) { const end = new Date(); const start = new Date(); start.setTime(start.getTime() – 3600 * 1000 * 24 * 0); picker.$emit(“pick”, [start, end]); }, }, { text: “yesterday”, onClick(picker) { const end = new Date(); const start = new […]

C language shortcut keys + a bunch of treasure skills, the most comprehensive on the Internet~

write in front Hello everyone, I am Aileen. I hope it can be helpful to you after reading this. Please correct me if I am wrong! Learn and communicate together. This article was originally published by Aileen_0v0 on CSDN If you need to reprint it, please notify us Personal homepage: Aileen_0v0-CSDN blog Welcome everyone → […]

[Transfer] [WPF] WPF custom shortcut key command (Command)

Command introduction Commands in WPF are created by implementing the ICommand interface. ICommand exposes two methods (Execute and CanExecute) and one event (CanExecuteChanged). Execute performs the action associated with the command. CanExecute Determines whether the command can be executed on the current command target. CanExecuteChanged is raised if a command manager that centrally manages command […]

[Transfer] [VS Code] Configuration file Launch and shortcut keys

Ctrl + shift + p, then enter launch, click the first option to configure. Then select More The specific configuration can be modified as: { “version”: “0.2.0”, “configurations”: [{ “name”: “LaunchChrome”, “type”: “chrome”, “request”: “launch”, “url”: “http://localhost:4200”, “sourceMaps”: true, “webRoot”: “${workspaceRoot}”, “userDataDir”: “${workspaceRoot}/.vscode/chrome” }] } Configuration explanation version: You define the version of this configuration […]

How to debug bugs in VS2022, shortcut keys for debugging, and what is the difference between debug and release

What is a bug In the process of learning programming, you should have heard of bugs, so where does the word bug come from? In fact, the original meaning of Bug is “bug” or “insect”. On September 9, 1947, Grace Heber, a computer expert working for the U.S. Navy, was also the first to integrate […]

How to use python for text proofreading, python shortcut keys for adjusting alignment

Hello everyone, the editor is here to answer the following questions for you, how to use python to proofread text, and the shortcut keys for adjusting alignment in python. Now let us take a look! Use Python to process Word files Install the external module python-docx pip install python-docx 1. View Word file structure from […]