There are hidden dangers in using Mybatis-Plus, it’s so tricky!

Author: confused codeLink: Foreword MP has been controversial since its emergence. It feels like there have always been two voices. like: It is very convenient. Sql is automatically spliced through functions. There is no need to go to XML or use tags. The Sql written in one minute can now be written in one […]

Develop using annotations in spring

Foreword: In Java, annotation is a special annotation that provides a metadata mechanism that can be used to describe information and instructions in the code and can be used by compilers, development tools, and runtime environments. Commonly used annotations in the Spring framework include: @Controller: used to mark a class as a SpringMVC Controller object. […]

Deep Neural Networks – Convert a TensorFlow piecewise model and start using OpenCV v4.8.0

Goals In this tutorial you will learn how to Convert a TensorFlow (TF) segmentation model Run the converted TensorFlow model using OpenCV Evaluate TensorFlow and OpenCV DNN models We will discuss the above points using the DeepLab architecture as an example. Introduction Apart from the graph optimization stage, the key concepts involved in TensorFlow classification […]

Example of using the redux-devtools Google extension plug-in

Table of Contents 1. store.ts 2. reducer.ts 3. ReduxProvider.tsx 4. mapStateToProps.ts 5. mapDispatchToProps.ts 6. Todo component (outermost package ReduxProvider 7. Subcomponents involved in the Todo component 1) TodoInput.tsx 2) TodoList.tsx 3) TodoItem.tsx 8. App components use Todo components 1. store.ts Reference website: GitHub – zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension: Redux DevTools extension. Download the Google extension plug-in address: react-redux-devtools: […]

3D rendering principle and simple JavaScript implementation [without using WebGL]

Displaying images and other flat shapes in web pages is very easy. However, when it comes to displaying 3D shapes, things become less easy because 3D geometry is more complex than 2D geometry. To do this, you can use specialized technologies and libraries such as WebGL and Three.js. However, if you just want to display […]

Using kafka.3.6.0 on windows

1. Introduction to kafka Kafka is an open source stream processing platform developed by Apache and written in Scala and Java. Kafka is a high-throughput distributed publish-subscribe messaging system that can process all behavioral record data of consumers in the website 2. kafka download kafka address 3. kafka configuration 1. Zookeeper configuration # Licensed to […]

Reasons and solutions for GPU CUDA running speed not to increase but to decrease when using shared memory

I wrote several operators for adding two images and image filtering, respectively using shared memory for optimization. #include <stdio.h> #include <cuda_runtime.h> #include “helper_cuda.h” #include “helper_timer.h” #define BLOCKX 32 #define BLOCKY 32 #define BLOCK_SIZE 1024 #define PADDING 2 __global__ void filter5x5(float* in, float* out, int nW, int nH) {<!– –> // Thread index —> Global memory […]

Characterizing time series using recurrence plot

In this article, I will show how to use Recurrence Plots to describe different types of time series. We will look at various simulated time series with 500 data points. We can visually characterize a time series by visualizing its recurrence plot and comparing it to other known recurrence plots of different time series. Recursive […]