Example of using the redux-devtools Google extension plug-in

Table of Contents 1. store.ts 2. reducer.ts 3. ReduxProvider.tsx 4. mapStateToProps.ts 5. mapDispatchToProps.ts 6. Todo component (outermost package ReduxProvider 7. Subcomponents involved in the Todo component 1) TodoInput.tsx 2) TodoList.tsx 3) TodoItem.tsx 8. App components use Todo components 1. store.ts Reference website: GitHub – zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension: Redux DevTools extension. Download the Google extension plug-in address: react-redux-devtools: […]

Several very useful Chrome Devtools tips

Original link: Several very practical Chrome Devtools tips Regarding the Chrome browser, if you are a front-end developer, I believe you are familiar with it. We can use it to view network requests, analyze web page performance, and Debug JavaScript functions etc. In addition to these, it also provides many powerful but uncommon functions that […]

[R Language] Perfectly solves the problem of devtools failing to install GitHub packages (taking gwasglue as an example)

Rstudio, R4.3.1, the command is run in the command line of Rstudio, that is, the console. Article directory 1. Restatement of the problem 2. Analysis 3. Solve 4. Installation example: gwasglue 1. Restatement of the problem Use devtools to install a github package. devtools: devtools is a very useful package in the R language. It […]

10 Fun Devtools Tricks!

Today I would like to share with you some practical Devtools skills. 1. Edit and resend network request In web development, we may have to frequently debug requests on web pages, maybe we need to change a small parameter, and then be forced to restart the project or wait for hot updates, in fact, use […]

Interacting with Chrome DevTools using Selenium

Directory Why should we automate Chrome Dev Tools? How to open Chrome DevTools element console source code network application Safety performance How to automate using chrome Devtools using Selenium? Collect performance metrics Capture console logs with Selenium DevTols mock location network throttling Capture network requests and responses get network request get network response Developer tools […]

SpringBoot Lecture 9: SpringBoot configuration hot deployment devtools tool

SpringBoot Lecture 9: SpringBoot configuration hot deployment devtools tool This article is the ninth lecture of SpringBoot. In the development and debugging of SpringBoot, if I need to restart and debug every line of code, it may be time-consuming; the SpringBoot team provides spring-boot-devtools (referred to as devtools) plug-in, It tries to improve the efficiency […]

“Go open source package” chromedp: a library based on the Chrome DevTools protocol, which supports data collection and intercepts long webpage images

Directory Basic usage advanced use Connect to remote docker headless-shell screenshot Other functions Application scenarios of chromedp Use code case Summarize Recommend a Go language library based on the Chrome DevTools protocol: chromedp This library provides a simple, efficient, and reliable way to control the Chrome browser for automated testing and scraping data. Project address: […]

ggplot2, RMySQL, httpuv, shiny, miniUI, devtools, recharts, ‘aclocal-1.16’ is missing on your system. Installation problem

this article Main solution install.packages(“ggplot2”) install.packages(“RMySQL”) install.packages(“httpuv”) install.packages(“shiny”) install.packages(“miniUI”) install.packages(“devtools”) install.packages(“recharts”) The problem of not being able to install and run as well as ‘aclocal-1.16’ is missing on your system. This WARNING. Directory my environment description Ubuntu 16.04 R version 4.3.0 ggplot2 downloaded successfully! RMySQL downloaded successfully! automake-1.16.tar.gz downloaded successfully! 【Successfully resolved ‘aclocal-1.16’ is missing […]

Super practical Chrome DevTools debugging skills, greatly improving the efficiency of writing bugs

Chrome DevTools provides many useful features to debug source code, capture element state, update and test element attributes, simulate various device environments, and more. Learn some super practical debugging skills today! 1. Select and inspect DOM elements In the Console panel of Chrome DevTools, you can enter some commands with $ to select and inspect […]

Springboot-devtools principle analysis

Principle Analysis of Springboot-devtools Springdev-tools automatically restarts the application during the development process, which provides certain convenience. If you use it, you need to introduce starter dependencies, and then set the IDEA file update strategy. I usually set it to update classes and files when cutting out IDEA. devtools detects changes in folders in the […]