python–generator generator_python code automatic generator

Article directory Preface 1. What is a generator? 2. The difference between generator functions and ordinary functions 3.The following is an example of a simple generator function 4. Generator function execution logic 6.Function 7. Generator function syntactic sugar-yield from Introduction to zero-based Python learning resources Summary of Python learning route Must-have development tools for […]

Customization of HuggingFace model header

Recommended online tools: Three.js AI Texture Development Kit – YOLO synthetic data generator – GLTF/GLB online editing – 3D model format online conversion – Programmable 3D scene editor In this article we’ll cover how to adapt HuggingFace’s model to your task, build a custom model header in Pytorch and connect it to the body of […]

Practical data analysis | SVM algorithm – automatic diagnosis and analysis of cases

Table of Contents 1. Data analysis and objects 2. Purpose and analysis tasks 3. Methods and Tools 4. Data reading 5. Data understanding 6. Data preparation 7. Model training 8. Model application and evaluation 1. Data analysis and objects CSV file – “bc_data.csv” Dataset link: This data set mainly records 32 attributes of 569 […]

Custom Graph Component: 1.1-JiebaTokenizer specific implementation

JiebaTokenizer class inherits from Tokenizer class, and Tokenizer class inherits from GraphComponent class, and GraphComponent class inherits from ABC class (abstract base class). This article uses the example in “Using ResponseSelector to Implement Campus Recruitment FAQ Robot” to mainly explain in detail the specific implementation of the methods in the JiebaTokenizer class. 0. List of […]

Custom annotations prevent forms from submitting code repeatedly

/** * Custom annotations to prevent repeated submission of forms * * @author LZJ */ @Inherited @Target(ElementType.METHOD) @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) @Documented public @interface RepeatSubmit { /** * Interval time (ms), less than this time is considered a repeated submission */ int interval() default 3000; /** * Interval time unit (milliseconds) */ TimeUnit timeUnit() default TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS; /** * […]

Automated test series – UI automated testing

UI testing is a type of testing also known as user interface testing, through which we check if the interface of the application is working properly or if there are any bugs that hinder user behavior and do not comply with the written specifications. It is crucial to understand how the user will interact between […]

recycleView (2) Grid, there is spacing in the middle, left, right, top, and bottom have no spacing

1. Function 1. Renderings The top, bottom, right and left of item are all 0 2. Code 1. Key code //Set the spacing between RecycleView items. The upper and lower spacing is 20 for sorting, and the left and right spacing is 20 for sorting. binding.rv.addItemDecoration(object : RecyclerView.ItemDecoration() {<!– –> override fun getItemOffsets(outRect: Rect, view: […]

jsp+servlet online ordering system (front desk, backend) based on javaweb+mysql (java+jsp+servlet+mysql+dbutil+tomcat)

jsp + servlet online ordering system (front desk, backend) based on javaweb + mysql (java + jsp + servlet + mysql + dbutil + tomcat) Private message Source code acquisition and debugging communication Operating environment Java≥8, MySQL≥5.7, Tomcat≥8 development tools eclipse/idea/myeclipse/sts, etc. can be configured to run Be applicable Course design, major assignments, graduation projects, […]

How to build an automated testing framework? Easy to implement in 4 steps in one article!

Foreword Recently, many friends are talking about interface automation testing, so what exactly is interface automation testing? Let’s take a look below to find out. First we have to figure out the following issue. Why do you need (automated) interface testing? 1. As the complexity of each system continues to rise, the cost of traditional […]