Convert the Boolean judgment expression into a conditional Javabean (the conditional structure can theoretically iterate through countless levels), and use it to judge the Boolean result finally generated by the form submission parameters.

Without further ado, let’s get into the code. The code format is wrong, and for some reason, it can only be copied bit by bit. public List<ActBPMNSequenceFlowConditionExpression> parseConditionExpressionToList(String conditionExpressionStr, Boolean ifJustExtra) { //1. Initialize variables //1.1 The aggregated conditional expression of the current flow direction to be finally returned List<ActBPMNSequenceFlowConditionExpression> conditionExpressions = new ArrayList<>(); //1.2 […]

Achieving kernel privilege escalation through conditional competition

Race Condition Vulnerability is a security issue that may cause incorrect behavior or data corruption when multiple threads or processes execute concurrently. This kind of vulnerability usually occurs when multiple threads or processes try to access and modify shared resources (such as memory, files, network connections, etc.). Due to the uncertain execution sequence or the […]

Java operators (arithmetic, relational, logical, conditional, assignment)

1 Operators in Java The symbols that operate on constants and variables are called operators, and the data involved in the operation are called operands. There are five types: arithmetic (special increment and decrement) operators, relational (comparison) operators, logical operators, conditional operators, and assignment operators. 1.1 Arithmetic operators Common ones are: + – * / […]

Use custom QSortFilterProxyModel to implement conditional filtering so that only row information that meets the conditions is displayed in qtableview

In actual development, qtableview is one of the most commonly used controls in Qt client pages. When using qtableview, the initial data will be filtered first, and then only the information that meets the conditions will be displayed on qtableview. Or display different row information that meets the conditions under different conditions. The first method […]

android.bp conditional control

go grammar rules Actual combat: frameworks/av/media/module/codecserviceregistrant/Android.bp package {<!– –> // See: http://go/android-license-faq // A large-scale-change added ‘default_applicable_licenses’ to import // all of the ‘license_kinds’ from “frameworks_av_services_mediacodec_license” // to get the below license kinds: // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 } cc_library {<!– –> name: “libmedia_codecserviceregistrant”, vendor_available: true, min_sdk_version: “29”, apex_available: [ “//apex_available:platform”, “”, ], srcs: [ “CodecServiceRegistrant.cpp”, ], header_libs: […]

YOLO improvement: conditional parameterized convolution CondConv for effective reasoning of dynamic convolution

Directory theoretical knowledge CondConv Theory Problem background Proposal of CondConv CondConv code Using CondConv in YOLO Experiments in the VisDrone dataset Theoretical knowledge CondConv theory CondConv paper address CondConv code address Problem background The power of a CNN model comes from the size of the model and the scale of the data set. A basic […]

The use of mybatis-plus conditional constructor (*Wrapper)

1. Introduction In order to simplify operations, mybatis-plus introduces conditional constructors to simplify basic sql operations. There are two main types of conditional constructors used, one is the query conditional constructor (QueryWrapper), and the other is (UpdateWrapper). The main relationships between these conditional constructors are as follows: 2. Query condition construction (QueryWrapper and LambdaQueryWrapper are […]

Conditional part of Makefile

Conditional part of Makefile Review the past and learn the new Condition example Grammar of conditional sentences Test flag conditions Next article: Exercise 8: Using functions in Makefile, Previous article: Exercise 6: Using variables in Makefile, Table of Contents | Home Page Review the past and learn the new Exercise 1 Understand the basic process […]

ES implements three-table related query + conditional filtering

Requirement background Many times, there is a one-to-many relationship between MySQL tables, such as library information table (metadata information), table information table (metadata information), and field information table (metadata information). A library can contain multiple tables, and a table can contain multiple fields. Their relationship: library-(1:n)->table-(1:n)->field. Although ElasticsSearch (hereinafter referred to as ES) is not […]