Use custom QSortFilterProxyModel to implement conditional filtering so that only row information that meets the conditions is displayed in qtableview

In actual development, qtableview is one of the most commonly used controls in Qt client pages. When using qtableview, the initial data will be filtered first, and then only the information that meets the conditions will be displayed on qtableview. Or display different row information that meets the conditions under different conditions. The first method […]

Java: Convert rtf or doc to html format

What is rtf format? RTF is a rich text format Rich Text Format, which can contain text, images and other content. RTF can be opened directly with word or wps, or it can be opened with a text editor. If it is opened with a text editor, its source code can be displayed. For rtf […]

ABAPHow to dynamically adjust the SMARTFORMS window position? (with case demonstration)

About the author: THUNDER Wang, Alibaba Cloud community expert blogger, Huawei Cloud·Cloud Sharing expert, Tencent Cloud community certified author, CSDN SAP application technology High-quality creators in the field. In my study work, I usually use back-end development languages ABAP and SQL to complete tasks. I have in-depth research on SAP enterprise management systems, SAP ABAP […]

[Comprehensive explanation of Linux commands] 198. Shell command analysis: Explanation of the uses and parameters of export and exportfs

Article directory export summary The main purpose Options parameter return value example Wrong usage Q&A exportfs Learn `python` from scratch export Set export attributes for shell variables or functions. Summary export [-fn] [name[=word]]… export -p Main purposes Define one or more variables and set export properties. Modify the value of one or more variables and […]

Request tool class and convert base64 into MultipartFile tool class

Request tool class hutool package HttpRequest sends post request with request header and request body Save MultipartFile file to local package org.jeecg.modules.quota.utils; import cn.hutool.core.bean.BeanUtil; import cn.hutool.http.HttpRequest; import cn.hutool.json.JSONArray; import cn.hutool.json.JSONObject; import cn.hutool.json.JSONUtil; import org.jeecg.common.constant.CommonConstant; import org.jeecg.common.util.MinioUtil; import org.jeecg.common.util.ZOSUtil; import org.jeecg.modules.quota.controller.DataSynchronismController; import org.jeecg.modules.quota.entity.SysCertPdf; import org.jeecg.modules.quota.service.ISysCertPdfService; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate; import org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile; import*; import java.util.*; import […]

ssm framework (based on annotation) MultipartFile object is null

Code: This is my backend code @ResponseBody @RequestMapping(“/uploadImg”) public Object testUp(MultipartFile pimage,HttpSession session) throws IOException{ //Get the file name of the uploaded file String filename = pimage.getOriginalFilename(); //Get the suffix name of the deleted file String suffixName = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf(“.”)); //Use UUID as file name String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); filename = uuid + suffixName; //Get the […]

SAP ABAP directly converts internal tables into PDF format (smartform’s print function outputs OTF format data)

Go directly to the code: REPORT zcycle055. DATA: lt_tab TYPE TABLE OF zpps001. DATA: ls_tab TYPE zpps001. ls_tab-werks = ‘1001’. ls_tab-gamng = ‘150.00’. ls_tab-gstrp = ‘20201202’. ls_tab-aufnr = ‘000010000246’. ls_tab-auart = ‘Standard Production’. ls_tab-gltrp = ‘20201205’. ls_tab-matnr = ’04-r02a000-00005′. ls_tab-maktx = ‘Cycle is handsome!’. ls_tab-ernam = ‘lf002’. ls_tab-erdat = ‘20201202’. ls_tab-zcwb = ‘MO20120003’. ls_tab-zdddw = […]

JAVA gets video and audio duration file size MultipartFileUtil and file conversion

Get video duration in java_Get video duration in java <dependency> <groupId>ws.schild</groupId> <artifactId>jave-all-deps</artifactId> <version>2.5.1</version> </dependency> @Slf4j public class VideoTimeUtil { /** * Video duration * * @param fileUrl * @return String[] 0=seconds duration, 1=display duration (format such as 01:00:00) */ public static String[] parseDuration(String fileUrl) { String[] length = new String[2]; try { // // URL […]