C# Socket TCP 2 heartbeat protocol + anti-stain packet + proactively disconnect from the server

In the previous code, a C# .net TcpClient implemented the full-duplex communication protocol_tcpclient protocol_Green Lemon 676’s Blog-CSDN Blog We have implemented the heartbeat of TCP and introduced the full-duplex communication protocol. Today we will take you to understand what TCP packet immersion is and how TCP prevents packet immersion. So let’s make a long story […]

Exploring network attacks: ARP disconnection, ARP spoofing and DNS spoofing experimental analysis

Table of Contents Preface 1. Overview of ARP 1.1 What is ARP 1.2 Basic functions of ARP protocol 1.3 ARP cache table 1.4 Common ARP commands 2. ARP disconnection experiment 3. ARP spoofing experiment 3.1 Pictures intercepted from the intranet 3.2 Obtain HTTP account password 4. DNS spoofing experiment Summarize Hi! I am Filotimo__. Nice […]

[Transfer] Marshal, Disconnect and life cycle and tracking services of Microsoft .Net Remoting

Marshal, Disconnect and life cycle and tracking services 1. Activation of remote objects There are three activation methods in Remoting. The general implementation is completed through the static method of the RemotingServices class. The working process is actually to register the remote object into the channel. Since Remoting does not provide a corresponding Unregister method […]

The correct way to write Java’s Socket communication when disconnecting and reconnecting

The correct way to write Java’s Socket communication when disconnecting and reconnecting Introduction to disconnection and reconnection of Socket communication Client and server source code Demo screenshot local demo Server demo Demo screenshot Summarize Introduction to network disconnection and reconnection of Socket communication For the client and server that have established communication, when the client […]

Netty core principles: 2. Intermediate expansion-08: Netty heartbeat service and disconnection reconnection

Article directory 1. Introduction 2. Code implementation 2.1 Engineering structure 2.2 Netty client 2.2.1 Client Processor 2.2.2 Client channel initialization 2.2.3 Client channel listener 2.2.4 Client 2.3 Netty server 2.3.1 Server-side processor 2.3.2 Server channel initialization 2.3.3 Server 3. Unit testing 1. Introduction When using Netty, it is necessary to monitor whether the service is […]

TCP establishment and disconnection

TCP establishment and disconnection The establishment and disconnection of TCP connections is a common problem encountered in interviews and work. I have recently made up my mind to learn it carefully. The article mainly refers to the “Internet Protocol” course by Mr. Liu Chao from Geek Time (the content is really good, you can learn […]

SpringBoot integrates MQTT to send and receive messages and reconnect after disconnection

Start studying JAVA and MQTT, and write this article for easy reference. 1. Add dependency pom.xml <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.integration</groupId> <artifactId>spring-integration-stream</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.springframework.integration</groupId> <artifactId>spring-integration-mqtt</artifactId> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> <optional>true</optional> </dependency> <dependency> <groupId>com.alibaba</groupId> <artifactId>fastjson</artifactId> <version>1.2.35</version> </dependency> 2. mqtt configuration application.yml # Spring configuration spring: #MQTT mqtt: # Server connection address, if there are multiple, separate them with […]

AndroidTCP communication: Activity page establishes connection and Fragment page disconnects

Question: When you want to click to log out, you must first disconnect the TCP connection and then exit the entire program. However, after clicking the logout button, the TCP connection has not been disconnected. Only by clearing it in the background of the mobile phone will the TCP connection be disconnected. 1. Write a […]